We've never been so busy in the office. You've got a fat chance for a vacation now.
You 've got a fat chance of becoming President of the company, you don' t even know the first thing about business.
"Would your car be easy to steal?"—"Fat chance. I've got a device that shuts down the petrol and ignition."
It should be noted here that our team is geographically dispersed so, although we talk on the phone regularly, we do not get the chance to chew the fat at lunch or around a water cooler.
Bross borrows from this anecdote, saying he joined Huawei not for the fat paycheck but rather for a chance to unite two cultures.
In a world in which food is scarce, it is smart for an animal to eat when it can and storeupthe fat, and suicidal to pass up the chance for sweet fruit or fresh meat.
Eat spicy diet, fat and sebum secretion strong, more anxious, do not pay attention to the health of the elderly have a higher chance of recurrence.
British man missed the chance to see his dying aunt after being kicked off a flight for being too fat.
With New York easing its way into spring, being outdoors under a blue sky is almost as refreshing as the chance to stab a thumbtack into a fat, balding, caricature of a boss.
More and more, however, these once cosy get-togethers have begun to resemble something more akin to a self-help group than a chance to catch up over a low-fat latte.
Usually carbohydrates are used first, but when rs is present, dietary fat is oxidised first into energy before it has a chance to be stored as body fat.
I guess my only chance of being a fat cat is to win ten million dollars in the lottery.
The reason why more shorter workouts are better is because you never give your fat burning metabolism a chance to slow down.
And the more volatile markets are, the better the chance that a trader will be on the right side of some big price move, and win himself a fat bonus.
Kung Hei Fat Choi! The holiday season is a great chance to steal some time for good old nutritious practice.
2: Fat Chance: a former sumo wrestler, who is now a school janitor, shows off his moves for the kids but his demonstration causes him to get fired.
2: Fat Chance: a former sumo wrestler, who is now a school janitor, shows off his moves for the kids but his demonstration causes him to get fired.