Just a few days after the signs went up, he found people sitting there and engaging in active and joyful conversations.
A few days after the job fair, I caught up with Zhang Hui Li.
A few days after the operation, the man comes in for a checkup.
We didn't take possession of the car until a few days after the auction.
A few days after the stroke, the right side of his body came back to life.
A few days after the funeral, I sold the Chevy to Nancy's son for a hundred dollars.
Not red, but also limited, a few days after the restoration of a smooth matte finish.
Christmas in the northern part of the world comes a few days after the start of winter.
A few days after the announcement, an elated Mikael Ohlsson, IKEA's boss, rushed to India.
Sometimes people send a thank you note to the host or hostess a few days after the event.
Sometimes people send a thank-you note to the host or hostess a few days after the event.
A few days after the eggs are laid, young frogs which are called tadpole come out of them.
It was a few days after the ceasefire and Rewa 'a was clutching a bloody piece of clothing.
那时巴以停火才刚刚过去几天,Rewa 'a紧紧攥着一件沾满血污的衣服。
Wall Street's collapse just a few days after the LHC was switched on was deemed a coincidence.
A few days after the class, the old man was outside talking with his neighbor about how much the class helped him.
But it was only a few days after the beginning of their employment that a storm never seen in half a century swept by.
I called in sick to work for a few days after the attack, but I soon went back because I desperately needed some normality.
A few days after the crash, he stopped at the table I was sharing with Mark from proof reading, and asked if he might sit down.
These are common procedures, but they can cause pain and people will need to be in the hospital for a few days after the operation.
If you need to sign a document - and that seems very possible now - wait until a few days after the date Mercury turns direct January 15.
Ms fernandez has also ordered satellite photos to be taken to monitor a stain in the river water that appeared a few days after the explosion.
A few days after the lunch, Mother got a letter from Senator Fulbright saying that he had enjoyed our lunch and that she must be proud of me.
So, a few days after the chat with my mom, when I found myself downtown drinking tea with my friend Steven, I asked him what he thought about dating.
A few days after the call from Ms. Cahill, I was back in my hotel room in Springfield, making notes for a rough draft of the speech while watching a basketball game.
The Halifax report came only a few days after the Bank of England's own figures had shown a sharp fall in the number of loans approved for house purchase in October.
The Halifax report came only a few days after the Bank of England's own figures had shown a sharp fall in the number of loans approved for house purchase in October.