The rocket's engine failed a few seconds after taking off.
I was only in there for a moment, leaving the shop a few seconds after going in.
A few seconds after you remove the ruler, the vessels will once again fill with blood and the line will turn red.
'Squirrels are very secretive animals so I wasn't surprised that it disappeared in a few seconds after taking the nut.
Includes an After-Glow feature that keeps the el backlight turned on for a few seconds after the light button is released.
In most brain regions, the activation pattern in the listeners' brains came a few seconds after that seen in Silbert's brain.
This leads to too slow adaptations in the means and the covariance matrices, therefore the tracker can fail within a few seconds after initialization.
After a few seconds of driving slowly around, the driver's foot seems to slip on the accelerator and he goes hurtling into the bottom of a huge stack of shelves.
A session expiration time is configurable in WebSphere Application Server and is indeed required to avoid a case when a user has to log in again after only a few seconds of inactivity.
After a few seconds of silence, a man stood up in the back and said he'd like to be heard.
After a few seconds, the pungent scent of ethanol wafted out of the darkness in front of her.
After a few seconds, you see the window shown in figure 9, which prompts you for a password.
After a few seconds it struck me that what we'll end up calling these things is tablets.
After a few seconds he turned back to her, and bending kissed her piteous face.
After a few seconds, he coughed and folded his olive-skin hands on the table.
Of course the water is very cold, but after a few seconds it seems to coat the body in a kind of warm silvery skin, as if one had acquired the scales of a merman.
After choosing to rent a movie or show, the Apple TV takes a few seconds to prepare a buffer and begins streaming your video live.
He didn't move at first but after a few seconds he started to move forward.
The server stops and the application will exit after a few seconds.
The lights on your network hub will start blinking and after a few seconds, the 'Query Results' list box will fill.
Police were flooded with calls from hundreds of worried residents from north of Melbourne to Sale in Gippsland after the earth shook for a few seconds just after 9pm.
It takes a few seconds to run, after which, you will see the message "Finished loading data into ObjectMap" (Listing 11).
这需要几秒钟时间运行,运行之后,您会看到一条消息“Finishedloadingdatainto ObjectMap”(清单11)。
After a few seconds the instructor shouted "Flare!"
After a few seconds, you'll notice a new workbench pop-up with your plug-in's sample action visible in the toolbar.
After you've got it in your phone, press and hold the power button for a few seconds, and then you'll be prompted with onscreen instructions to properly set up your iPhone.
把micro - SIM卡放入您的手机后,需要按住设备的电源键,并且持续几分钟,然后您可以按照屏幕上的提示正确地对您的iPhone进行相应的设置。
This is why we implemented the streaming feature into Wuala. You simply double click on a music or video file and it will start playing after very few seconds of pre-loading.
After waiting a few seconds for the FluidSynth program to activate, the processing of vmstat output can begin.
After waiting a few seconds for the FluidSynth program to activate, the processing of vmstat output can begin.