The origin time should be a few seconds before the time of the wave at the first station.
I paused a few seconds before I started again: "Did some guys command you do not give me money?"
Iverson paused to contemplate for a few seconds before adding with a smile: "No, say pass like Magic."
He sees it for only a few seconds before a thunderhead blocks the view, and the shuttle plunges into gray murk.
When you desire to say or do something that is not really important, wait a few seconds before talking or acting.
Will Dark Templars be invisible when warping in, or susceptible to attack for a few seconds before it fades out?
Then her eyes fell upon a bottle of gin and two glasses that had certainly not been present a few seconds before.
When the researchers stretched the material, it turned bright red for a few seconds before it broke into two pieces.
There's nothing more frustrating than having the shutter snap shut just a few seconds before a choice streak shoots across the sky.
A splash screen is displayed for a few seconds before the main Enterprise Developer Eclipse screen appears, as shown in Figure 2.
However, because of the weather conditions, the captains did not realize the danger until a few seconds before the collision took place.
We’re insufferably self-aware, like some post-modern novel, so that the brain can’t go for more than a few seconds before it starts calling attention to itself.
Despite its simple graphics, Flappy bird was a notoriously difficult game since many users could only keep the bird in the air for a few seconds before it hits an obstacle and falls.
虽然图像画面简单,但Flappy Bird游戏其实难度极高。许多玩家都只能让小鸟飞不到一会儿就撞到障碍物掉下去了。
I've just got to do my best, and take a couple of seconds to look through the first few lines before I launch into something.
I remember the extraordinary effort it took to keep a smile on my face in those few seconds before he slid from view and I could let myself go amidst the embarrassed silence of strangers.
Monkeys can't control their inhale and exhale the way we can - they can only make short sounds a few seconds long before they have to take another breath.
The next most important tip is to take a few seconds to organize your thoughts before you begin speaking–don’t start speaking without some idea of what you’ll say, only to stop and struggle for words.
From the beach, we have just a few seconds to sprint back to the kitchen before the torrent arrives, washing away the heavy night air until the next day's show begins again.
A quick experiment. Before proceeding to the next paragraph, let your mind wander wherever it wants to go. Close your eyes for a few seconds, starting... now.
A few seconds passed before Henry Thorpe made his entrance.
It may take much more than another century before the mess started in a few seconds 30 years ago is fully cleaned up.
But in the few seconds before the candles went out, we noticed that a man had entered the room.
Context Systems tasks that take a long time (typically more than a few seconds) and must be completed before the next tasks can be started.
Before he speaks, the GFW's father always pauses a few seconds and then when he talks, adopts a measured tone and a considered pace.
Another thing: before you go back for seconds, stop and take a break for a few minutes. Drink some water, talk to somebody, ready, go do something, clean the kitchen a little. Whatever it takes.
I think I'm afraid of death 24 hours a day.... And I'm so scared of those few seconds of consciousness before you die, when you know you're gonna die.
Does it explain the page instantly, or do you have to look around a few more seconds before grasping its meaning?
Does it explain the page instantly, or do you have to look around a few more seconds before grasping its meaning?