A few seconds later this monkey gave the other a DDT!
"Know what I was doing?" she asked a few seconds later.
Brother followed a few seconds later with a big grin on his face.
Then a few seconds later he says, "I promise." and something like that.
She dived in and bobbed up a few seconds later in the middle of the pool.
A few seconds later, I turned to her and asked if she knew what the Dow was.
The boat went on without her and a few seconds later went down under the water.
A few seconds later, the order appeared on the screen 7, 800 miles away in Shenzhen.
A few seconds later, he very calmly raised his head. looked heaven-ward and said, "Amen."
A few seconds later he knocks on the door, kicking at the dried leaves scattered across the porch.
Type in a few instructions on the teletype machine and a few seconds later the PDP would type back its response.
He went behind the wall, and a few seconds later the officer and the other young soldiers heard the sound of a shot.
“It was a mistake, ” he said, and a few seconds later he called back and left a message to say, “Thanks for alerting me.”
When he got his wits about him just a few seconds later, Ed ran to follow the man down the corridor, but he had vanished.
He retreated to his office and returned a few seconds later with a piece of orange putty from one of the toys on his windowsill.
Avoid braking hard or accelerating unnecessarily quickly, you waste gas each time you accelerate just to brake a few seconds later.
Ironically, unification proclaimed in the Hall of Mirrors at the Chateau of Versailles, which we'll visit for a few seconds later on.
Peter felt ashamed. He went behind the wall, and a few seconds later the officer and the other young soldiers heard the sound of a shot.
To use the Phraselator, a soldier says an English phrase into the machine and, a few seconds later, the machine repeats it in the chosen language.
It is the most exciting moment in the second day of the Final contest. A few seconds later, every contestant's score will be presented on the big screen which is behind them.
South Korea launched a multi-stage rocket Tuesday in the country's first space shot, but the satellite it was carrying separated a few seconds later than planned and didn't reach the proper orbit.
South Korea launched a multi-stage rocket Tuesday in the country's first space shot, but the satellite it was carrying separated a few seconds later than planned and didn't reach the proper orbit.