But since it is also seen as a financial asset, higher values are a signal to buy.
Westerners have come to view their homes as a financial asset - in so doing they have cheapened their value.
Liquidity refers to the ability of investors to exchange a financial asset, such as a bond or a share, for cash.
Article 24 When an enterprise becomes a party to a financial instrument, it shall recognize a financial asset or financial liability.
When the price of a television set or software package goes up, demand for it generally falls. When the price of a financial asset rises, demand generally increases.
This paper improves binomial model in some aspects to make it more suitable to the properties of convertible bonds, then more accurate to pricing such a financial asset.
For its part, the United States should persist with monetary, credit and asset restructuring policies to reboot the financial system so its stimulus has a chance to work.
Managers, shareholders, and lenders may all have different informationabout the value of a real or financial asset, and it may be many years beforeall the information is revealed.
The period since the Bretton Woods system fell apart has also seen enormous bubbles in asset markets, a huge expansion of the financial sector and a rapid rise in consumer debt.
We have witnessed financial services (think asset management, hedge funds, buyout funds, private equity, and venture capital) grow as a percentage of GNP for the past thirty years.
In the current crisis, policymakers have advanced a variety of reasons for using capital injections and asset purchases to keep financial institutions going rather than shutting them down.
The function call would result in the process Broker executing a process that grouped an asset manipulation on the content service with a financial transaction on the payment service.
This, he argues, risks creating a new, but different financial crisis—not a balance-of-payments shock like last time, but booms and busts in asset markets.
Barack Obama proposed a new levy on large Banks and financial companies to recoup the cost of the Troubled Asset Relief Programme.
A new study finds that, on measures from capital inflows to asset-price rises, the build-up to America's mortgage crisis looks eerily like earlier financial crises in rich countries.
In addition to a massive release of liquidity to maintain financial market stability, the Bank has promised to double its asset-purchase plan, which will help absorb some of the additional debt.
Continued financial sector reform, and disintermediation, is essential in China's efforts to rebalance its economy away from a fixed-asset investment model towards domestic consumption and services.
This has led to the enormous price increases for those assets that have stoked fears of a 2007-style financial-asset bust.
The asset markets are booming because a large amount of the money being printed in that country is inserted into financial assets.
And a levy would harm the liquidity of financial markets, making asset prices more volatile.
To many people it is a solid, "real" asset, unlike those complex pieces of paper that flighty financial markets spend all their time trading.
Authors combine financial theory with cybernetics and system theory to prove and elucidate a new bank management method: the cybernetic system of commercial bank asset liability ratios management.
The impact of asymmetric information on asset price is a very important problem in financial studies, but this was ignored in modern asset pricing theory.
The impact of asymmetric information on asset price is a very important problem in financial studies, but this was ignored in modern asset pricing theory.