Does this XML describe a financial transaction or scuba gear?
A liquidity margin performs as guarantee in a financial transaction.
As I said earlier, there's something terribly wrong with the whole notion of patients as "consumers" and health care as simply a financial transaction.
Queries are based on the personal information of the parties involved in a financial transaction rather than financial information from the ACORD standard.
The payment Service represents a Service Provider that can be used to capture a financial transaction and result in a payment being made between two parties.
Real time Gross SettlementRTGS, a process in which both the processing and settlement of a financial transaction can take place continuously, without using specific times.
Real time Gross settlement RTGS, a process in which both the processing and settlement of a financial transaction can take place continuously, without using specific times.
The function call would result in the process Broker executing a process that grouped an asset manipulation on the content service with a financial transaction on the payment service.
One project I developed had financial data at the detail grain transaction level and program accomplishments at a day grain level.
A business transaction category appropriate for a large company (such as financial leasing) may not be appropriate for a small business.
In Asia's financial centres, it is a light in the darkness, a successful exit by a private-equity group from a leveraged transaction that unfolded as planned.
The cell phone companies stand to get a small slice - less than 1 percent of every financial transaction.
Transaction Processing over XML (TPoX) is an application-level XML database benchmark based on a financial application scenario, specifically security trading.
TransactionProcessingoverXML (TPoX)是一个基于金融应用程序场景(特别是有价证券交易)的应用程序级别的XML数据库基准。
Two methods are proposed by the commission: a financial-transaction tax (popular, though of questionable use if not done globally) and a European VAT (easy to raise but unpopular).
For example, certain log events that impact financial data or personal information might require an acknowledgement because this log event is part of a larger transaction.
Let's be clear. A global financial transaction tax was only one of four options floated by the prime minister, and there are formidable practical problems.
Financial quantization study supporting system is a automatically electronic transaction system of whether ones buy or sell.
Practically every financial transaction, from someone buying a cup of coffee to someone trading a trillion dollars of credit default derivatives, is done in software.
He says, "...the use case transaction 'Purchase financial product' may contain a scenario for successful purchase and another one for failed one [sic]."
Most financial institutions, especially those with a global presence, have all set up large-scale regional processing centres to centrally handle transaction data around the world.
A financial institution shall not provide any service to or have any business transaction with a client whose identity is unclear or open any anonymous or pseudonymous account for a client.
While the firm's choice of the internal organization structure is a tradeoff between the control rights, transaction costs, financial risks and tax costs.
On this basis, relatively mature conditions and realistic significance are provided for constructing a specialized state-owned financial equity transaction platform.
In the economic transitional period, the problem in financial transaction between Banks and enterprises is a distorting credit relationship.
A piece of negotiable paper representing a fictitious financial transaction and used temporarily to sustain credit or raise money.
Interest rate swaps is a financial derivative, is the swaps transaction used in interest rate market.
A market participant who still does not sign the Master Agreement after the close of the transition period, shall not conduct any new transaction of financial derivatives.
Mr Sarkozy wants a levy known as a Tobin Tax to be applied to every financial transaction.
Mr Sarkozy wants a levy known as a Tobin Tax to be applied to every financial transaction.