One can ask the question in a fit of rage, shaking one's fist at God.
Graceful and sweaty, whopping her black long hair with a fit of rage, Zhao Zhen looks like a gypsy with almond shaped eyes.
This would throw me into a fit of rage but I discovered recently there is a way to make a backup of your "about: config" preferences in case anything goes wrong.
There would be something emotionally satisfying about leaving Microsoft in a fit of rage - preferably involving the illegal deployment of an emergency escape slide.
The mouse jumped into the vase and was trying to eat some food which the man had carelessly left there. The sigh infuriated the man and in a fit of rage he threw a stone at the mouse.
So when one day—in a fit of adolescent rage—I kicked my brother’s bedroom door straight off its hinges21), I knew who to blame for my behavior: “You made me this way.”
Office rage refers to a fit of violent anger by an office worker due to nonperformance by equipment. It is normally directed at printers, computers, phones, etc.
Skywalker destroyed the siphon generator, and in a momentary fit of rage, killed the last of the Skakoan scientists through the power of the Force.
So when one day-in a fit of adolescent rage-i kicked my brother's bedroom door straight off its hinges21, I knew who to blame for my behavior: "You made me this way."
So when one day-in a fit of adolescent rage-i kicked my brother's bedroom door straight off its hinges21, I knew who to blame for my behavior: "You made me this way."