He wants to marry Jane, but we think it a fond dream.
Every individuals all have a fond dream, I neither exception.
Muscle being looking at self youth, he believes this is only the time problem, this is to surely be able to achieve one voluntarily comparing with purpose, is a fond dream by no means!
The Yuan dramatists pursue not only the fond dream of fine love and ideal marriage, but also a glorious ethics and ideal society in a profound sense.
Perhaps the person of that in a dream hides deep place at the white cloud, past fog of the eyeful, was fond of me to return of footstep.
I am a ordinary girl, vivid and broad-minded be my character, I have the fond dream same as others, being also working hard for this fond dream.
He still may wear glasses, one face is bashful, recumbent the service is done to be born in theatrical closet get along, often making make a meteoric rise fond dream, spend lifetime at this point.
In this happy moment sharing, moment missing a close friend, the fond dream becomes true moment.
In this happy moment sharing, moment missing a close friend, the fond dream becomes true moment.