Apache FOP Compliance page: Visit this page to explore the formatting possibilities in a FOP document.
I will purchase amotor-car, he thought. I will dress myself in the fashion of a fop, drink anddine, and then return to the quiet.
Each programming paradigm (OO, FOP, AOP etc.) is great at solving a specific type of problems, but none of them, in my opinion, is the best at everything.
By studying 16 tissue samples from patients living with heterotopic ossification and FOP, scientists noticed a spike in the compound.
It is a good idea to register the embedded font with FOP when you initialize the application.
FOP is reluctant to break in the middle of a cell, which means that it will resist breaking long paragraphs if they are included in a blind table.
FOP 不能分割表单元,这意味着如果将较长的段包括在隐形表中,那么 FOP 将不会分割这一段。
To create a PDF file using FOP, just inform the file name that is in conformity with XSL-FO recommendation and the output file name (lines 1 and 2 at Listing 7).
要使用FOP创建PD F文件,仅需告知遵照XSL - FO推荐标准的文件名和输出文件名(清单7中的第1和2行)。
Where you see output.fo, an intermediate XML document had to be translated to fo using a style sheet before it was sent to Fop.
在您看到out put .fo的地方,必须在将一个中间的XML文档发送到Fop以前使用样式表将它转换到fo。
Also notice that the <fo:table> element has the property table-layout="fixed"; FOP currently issues a warning message without this attribute.
另请注意: <fo:table>元素有属性 table-layout="fixed" ;目前,如果没有该属性,FOP 会发出一条警告消息。
Transform using FOP in a servlet engine.
You can generate PDF files using Fop, a free open-source tool developed as an Apache XML project, or by using XEP, a commercial product from RenderX (see Resources).
您可以使用Fop或XEP生成PDF文件,Fop 是一个作为ApacheXML项目开发的免费开放源码工具,而 XEP 是一个来自 RenderX 的商业产品(请参阅 参考资料)。
For example, say you have a script that builds a document in the background using the Formatting Objects Processor (FOP) system from Apache to generate a PDF version of the document.
例如,假定有一个构建文档的脚本,它在后台使用Apache的格式化对象处理器(Formatting Objects Processor,FOP)系统生成文档的PDF版本。
As more people use it, Fop will likely generate an increase in the use of fo as a specialized vocabulary for presentation description.
I invite you to make use of the article's zip file, which includes a program that will help you learn how to generate a PDF file using Fop.
While a workaround for using the keep properties with FOP is available, it's only a partial one.
Listing 2 is another stylesheet excerpt that demonstrates the keep properties in a blind table with FOP.
PDF creation - This section show you how to use a XSL-FO renderer (FOP) to create a PDF document.
PDF的创建——本小节向您展示如何使用XSL - FO处理器(XSL - FOrenderer,FOP)来创建PD f文档。
After you've finished importing the files, modify the Ant build script to set up the fop target and call it in a new build-pdf target, as shown below.
导入完文件后,修改Ant构建脚本以设置fop目标并在新的build - pd f目标中调用它,如下所示。
The element's face attribute maps to the XSL-FO font-family attribute, but there's a catch: the FOP tool supports a limited number of fonts. The valid values for font-family are.
元素的face属性映射至xsl - fofont - family属性,但有一个问题:FOP工具只支持数量有限的字体。
A young fop minced up to George and introduced himself.
Standards and a design for front-of-pack (FOP) labelling is introduced for voluntary content of nutrition information intended to be placed on the principal display panel.
Standards and a design for front-of-pack (FOP) labelling is introduced for voluntary content of nutrition information intended to be placed on the principal display panel.