WFOE- is an enterprise which is 100 per cent owned by a foreign company or companies.
When I got the well-paid job in a foreign company, my friends were somewhat green with envy.
A foreign company should meet the following requirements in order to obtain a trading license.
When I got the well-paid job in a foreign company , my friends were somewhat green with envy .
A foreign company with a subsidiary in Vietnam can directly distribute its products in the country.
There is no legal hurdle at all, because Shanda is also a foreign company registered in CaymanIsland.
If it is a foreign company, the contract will be in English and will have many western terms and conditions.
But if you're traveling abroad or working in a foreign company, using English on the phone is essential.
Michael: This time we will learn more of the basic rules of interviewing for a job with a foreign company.
The whole staff will talk abt merging possibility with a foreign company in the afternoon. That's the second type.
A foreign company assumes civil liability for the operational activities of its branches within Chinese territory.
Taxpayer: excuse me, I am from a foreign company, would you help me to know how to pay business tax on leasing property?
Taxpayer: : excuse me, I am from a foreign company, would you help me to know how to pay business tax on leasing property?
Wang and her husband, an employee with a foreign company, are still living in a rented home two years after getting married.
Lu: This is very popular in a foreign company, which can test the persons heart with that position whether accord with character.
Lu: This is very popular in a foreign company, which can test the person's heart with that position whether accord with character.
At first, a foreign company may hold 33 percent of the shares in the joint venture of fund management three years later up to 49 percent.
So you've landed a much desired job in a foreign company, but every time you need to communicate with your boss in English, you freeze up.
So you've landed a much-desired job in a foreign company, but every time you need to communicate with your boss in English, you freeze up.
So you've landed a much-desired job in a foreign company, but every time you need to communicate with your boss in English, you freeze up.