Dogs bark as a form of communication.
Advertising is a form of communication used to help sell products and services.
"They may have an encounter that may be a form of communication," she told Radio NZ.
He also thinks that we may have evolved to display sadness as a form of communication.
Luigi Ciocca: I think that the dress and therefore the clothing is a form of communication.
"It's a form of communication, like speech, and we all use it differently," says Martin.
Nida. Nida, who regards translation as a form of communication, studies translation in a communicative approach.
Kiai is a form of communication with your opponent, letting them know your intention to give everything to the match.
As a form of communication, interpretation can not escape from context, and only in the context can its meaning be revealed.
Many people can roll their eyes, but adolescent girls have practically monopolized the ocular gesture as a form of communication.
The eternal language of Numbers is reborn as a form of communication that people all over the world can use-and, increasingly, must use.
While talking to your partner is indeed a form of communication, if it's primarily about everyday, "surfaces" topics ("How were the kids?
Versioning is a form of communication with your users: it allows your users to build more stability and reliability into their products, as well.
The main thing is to acknowledge that such a form of communication is possible, and just as practicable as our familiar narrow-band radio transmissions.
Besides, scholars have realized that translation, whose working object is language, is also a form of communication and is also closely related to culture.
Advertising is a form of communication used to convince the audience (viewers, listeners or readers) to take some action on the products and ideas, or services.
The Web allows us to converse by email, a form of communication that often makes us braver and more impulsive — and occasionally even more thoughtful — about what we say.
Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service.
All network applications use a form of communication known as the client-server paradigm. A server application waits passively for contact, while a client application initiates communication actively.
The Queqiao satellite will form a communication bridge between controllers on Earth and the far side of the Moon.
That means, for many teens, text messages are the primary form of communication among a child's friends.
However, most of us fail to realize that a great deal of our communication is of a non-verbal form as opposed to the oral and written forms.
Saying thank you is a powerful form of communication and one that endures in people's memories, so it is definitely worth doing.
But when it is a genuinely new form of communication, the viral adoption is stunning in its speed.
It only works when it is a genuinely new form of communication (webmail, social networking, microblogging).
Email, for many purposes, is a terrible form of communication. Scott's main reasons.
The node directory entry must contain the key information hostname (IP address is also acceptable), and communication port (this may be in the form of a port name or number).
As ever with a new form of communication, one of the things you can do is communicate your indifference better.
As ever with a new form of communication, one of the things you can do is communicate your indifference better.