We have had a good think about things and it will be a fresh start now.
A priest who "erred" deserved a rebuke, pastoral attention (perhaps) and a fresh start.
As wonderful as the sunset, the sunrise heralds the new day and brings promise of a fresh start.
"The 1000th picture is that of a smiling baby, signifying a fresh start of our activity," Hou says.
Mary Pickford's quote offers a much better perspective on failure - a chance for a fresh start!
By shining a spotlight on the scale of the mortgage mess, it also opens an opportunity for a fresh start.
Krisda Netmanee, a 39-year-old police officer, said he wanted a fresh start after a series of bad work assignments.
In order to be able to you after a fresh start in life, you still look at yourself, are not owned a kind heart.
Although any mandatory information gathered on individuals frightens me. It seems it is time to discuss a fresh start.
MySpace doesn't quite make a comeback, but gets a fresh start of sorts with its music and entertainment offerings.
She lost her love of a people, and you lose a person who doesn't love you, but get a fresh start in life, to love again.
Lom says the program offers displaced families the opportunity to make a fresh start after losing their homes three years ago.
It is my hope that, under your guidance, the preparatory work will get off to a fresh start from a sound basis at this meeting.
Atom (see my recent article on the topic) was an attempt at a fresh start for RSS, but in practice it just adds another option.
You may make a fresh start at any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.
Changing careers. It's exciting to think about making a fresh start. But especially in today's economy, make sure you have a Plan b.
The team rating will simply be reset to the default 1500, allowing all teams to once again compete for top honors with a fresh start.
It's also a wonderful thing, because a fresh start means you have nothing tying you down, nothing stopping you from creating the life you want.
He and his family knelt down and thanked God for keeping them safe during the terrible flood and for giving them a fresh start in a new world.
He and his family knelt down and thanked God for keeping them safe during the terrible flood and for giving them a fresh start in a new world.