They share a front door and a washing machine, but Rita Whitehead has her own kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room on the ground floor.
In the experiment, each child was left alone in a room for fifteen minutes with a marshmallow on a table in front of them.
On Tuesday afternoon he arrived for his usual Borges seminar at Jones Hall, walking into a small carpeted room with five rows of chairs and a wooden desk in the front.
Another friend, who prefers to remain anonymous, remembers coming home to find his father mopping up blood and broken glass from their front room after "a lively discussion" with a business associate.
During my entire childhood, I kept this saying in front of me on a small desk in my room. In fact, I can still show you that coaster today.
He sat down and nodded to a techie who played the video on the screen in the front of the room: Two men with assault rifles stood in front of the camera, wearing hooded masks.
In a room at the back of the ship, Kiah watched the Numbers on the computer in front of him.
Thick pipes protrude from the ceiling, and a window in the front room opens onto nowhere, just another gray tunnel wall beyond it.
With enough of a flourish to guarantee the class's attention, he went to the front of the room, near one edge of the board.
Running in front of the whole length of the living room was a screened-in porch, which jutted out from the house as the land sloped down to the road.
If a room has any kind of owner restrictions on it, then a "ghostbusters" icon (red circle with a diagonal slash through it) will be displayed in front of its name (see figure 12).
There are a few houses out front, and in back a partially underground room lined with Chambers containing brick ovens.
Bush made his second remarks at 12:36 from a windowless conference room, in front of two American flags dragged together by Air Force privates.
The front door of our apartment opened into a tiny living room, behind which was a smaller dining-room area and an even smaller bedroom.
The Spiral Cellars design/build firm will dig a hole right in whatever room you want your cellar in and haul the dirt right out the front door.
The front-desk clerk checks the availability of rooms and, if a room is available, books it.
A leader's back-room team is as important, and sometimes as famous, as his front-line personnel.
He stood in front of us for a moment and then gestured us to go into the living room.
If you spend most of your day sitting in your office, in front of your computer, or in a server room, try venturing out.
Our front door would be locked, the meeting room in darkness, the watchword a Vedic mantra, our talk in whispers.
In a meeting or conference, tweets can reach the people in the front of the room, the back of the room and people who are not even in the room.
When you're standing up in front of a room full of IT pros at one of the well-known industry events, you'll know that your plan to become an IT superstar is working.
To introduce you to BPMN, I'll use the room-booking process at a hotel's front desk as an example.
In a corner of the Big Bone Room, a relatively fresh-looking plaster cast marked "Skull" sat in front of old photos of museum staff handling similar fossils.
In a corner of the Big Bone Room, a relatively fresh-looking plaster cast marked "Skull" sat in front of old photos of museum staff handling similar fossils.