Like a game of chess, with the future of the planet as the stakes on the table.
He decided to bet on a game of chess, and death, if he loses, then let death take away.
The lesson is that anyone who looks on the world as if it was a game of chess deserves to lose.
His opponent, Hitech, becomes the first computer program to defeat a grandmaster in a game of chess.
A recent satirical television show likened it to a game of chess in which the first white move is for the king to take his own queen.
As the years went by he was to be found seldom in the ways of men. He could be tempted to come out of his house only by a game of chess or the chance of an argumont.
He loved the poetry of Walt Whitman and the prose of Zane Grey , the stillness of a game of chess and the jocularity of a game of cards , the sea and the desert .
12 marriage is a game of chess. Both Dan closer, the game from the longer. This section contains the knowledge, accomplishment, personality and background factors.
The board game Go took over from chess as a new test for human thinking in 2016, when a computer beat one of the world's leading professional Go players.
For a game such as chess, it may vary wildly on the skill of the player.
Okay here we are: If there are no chance factors in chess then chess is a game of skill.
Every day was a game of mental chess and we knew how to push each other's buttons, rarely if ever missing an opportunity to do so.
Unlike checkers or chess, at which machines have also had notable success, poker is a game of incomplete information.
In addition to playing a normal game of chess against a human player, users can configure it to play against itself using both classic JScript
This is a standard conversation, like the classic opening moves of a chess game, where what matters, much more than what one says (which is brief and obvious), is the tone in which one says it.
But despite the disingenuous claim by the Kremlin that the manoeuvres were "not aimed at any third country", it is equally clear that they form part of a global chess-game.
A chess-boxing game includes 6 rounds of chess and 5 rounds of boxing.
Benzon, in responding to Peter Railton’s post here at The Stone, points out the limits of this metaphor and proposes the “chess board and game” instead. I prefer a simple host-parasite analogy.
On the stage of the opportunity, to exercise my guts, this is to be a teacher must have skills. Chess game can be.
The mind is so analytical that life can easily slip into the manipulation of a chess game.
An expert on the theory of chess, he proceeded to teach little Zsuzsa at home, spending up to ten hours a day on the game.
For this reason a system of "chess pieces" was created to understand the territory as a large game board and allow the execution of a series of movements or strategic moves as the variables appeared.
When researchers usually select problems for "Artificial Intelligence" to solve, they return to a handful of favorites: Can a machine outplay a human at a game like chess or poker?
She felt like a chess player who, by the clever handling of his pieces, sees the game taking the course intended.
But chess is a game of full information: All the pieces are visible to both players, there is a strict turn-based protocol and success is clearly defined.
Admittedly, my perspective is heavily colored by events in the world of chess, a game I once played at a professional level and still follow from a distance.
Admittedly, my perspective is heavily colored by events in the world of chess, a game I once played at a professional level and still follow from a distance.