Sets the specified option to a given value for the current metadata scope.
How to create a byte array that will have a BCC (Block Check Character) of a given value (0)?
A logarithm tells you what power a base number must be raised to in order to produce a given value.
The filter can be used to filter out given width local component or components less than a given value.
OK, and for a given value of x, what we will do is we'll slice our graph by this plane parallel to the yz plane.
Using this definition, regional concentrations of firms of a given value chain, or parts thereof, can be identified.
In the process of cleaning, when detecting the voltage of its battery below a given value, it will begin to look for charging stations.
This paper obtains several sufficient conditions on the degrees for an oriented graph which contains a path or cycle of length greater than or equal to a given value.
Widely used for precise control of gases, liquids and other media of process parameters such as pressure, flow, temperature, liquid level maintained at a given value.
So, if we want to set it up instead dx dy, then it means we are going to actually look at the converse question which is, for a given value of y, what is the range of values of x?
You can change this behavior so that the breakpoint breaks only when the hit count equals or exceeds a specified value or when the hit count is the multiple of a given value.
For a given value of x, so that's a given slice, I have a range of values for y, that is, from this picture at the left most point on that slice to the rightmost point on that slice.
This command will walk the entire subtree of a given management value and return all the information about the system contained within the subtree.
When modeling a business process, the human activity is not assigned a user role or is just given the default value.
In an RGB value, any given channel can contain a value anywhere from 0 (no color) to 255 (full color).
Each name may be given a default value but otherwise need to be defined for each use of the annotation.
This allows multiple threads to always see the most up-to-date value for a given variable.
If you were to look at the value of that attribute for a given requirement related to a model element, you would see a value that looks like Listing 13.
The goal is to create an approach that fits the organization without losing the value of the structure a given methodology brings.
A participant is the value of a role within a given instance, which can be either a simple value or a business object.
Therefore, you cannot assume that cloudy will always have the ordinal value of 0, it could be given a value of 1 in some language mappings.
The following example uses TopCategoriesDisplay when the "storeId" is given a default value.
当为“storeId”指定缺省值时,下列示例将会使用 TopCategoriesDisplay。
The Fibonacci numbers are an integer sequence where for a given number, the Fibonacci value can be calculated using: F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2).
Fibonacci 数列是一种整数序列,可以使用以下算式计算各个 Fibonacci值:F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)。
In a world where everything is given and nothing is explained, the fecundity of a value or of a metaphysic is a notion devoid of meaning.
This function searches for given patterns in a string and replaces them with a new value.
If you enter the key only (or even if you just enter a value), you will be given the opportunity to enter or override that value at pattern creation or pattern deployment time.
The class can also create a type of the value of a database field, given the field name of the database table.
For a given attribute, you can define the search value either as free text, or by selecting a value from a list based on what you defined in configuration mode.
For a given attribute, you can define the search value either as free text, or by selecting a value from a list based on what you defined in configuration mode.