There is a glass of water, three beans, a cold boiled potato and a small piece of burned meat.
After resting for a glass of water, the boy tried to move it once more.
She tipped a handful of pills into my mouse and passed me a glass of water.
This is also why dumping a glass of water on your head isn't very effective.
"You just drop it in a glass of water, and it starts splitting it," he says.
The doctor could say nothing but offered him a glass of water. "Have some water then.
But a simple step might help keep food intake in check: a glass of water before meals.
I wake up and start the coffeemaker, drink a glass of water, then sit on a small pillow.
Mike the little camel walks into his parents' room at 3am and asks for a glass of water.
So let's look now at a glass of water that has sugar in it We've got my glass of water, H20.
Sit. I wake up and start the coffeemaker, drink a glass of water, then sit on a small pillow.
Dehydration can make you feel hungry, so if you get some hunger pangs, drink a glass of water.
On my desk, a glass of water has caught the afternoon light, and I'm still looking for wonders.
The dipping bird is a hollow glass figure which repeatedly dips its beak into a glass of water.
Enjolras himself offered him a glass of water, and, as Javert was pinioned, he helped him to drink.
Drink a Glass of Water First Thing - Water makes up between 60% - 70% of your body composition.
第一件事先喝杯水-你身体的60% - 70%是由水组成的。
This effect explains why a straw in a glass of water appears to bend at the surface of the water.
Then half the volunteers were given a piece of chocolate, and the unlucky second group got a glass of water.
One would say that the sun was thirsty. A shower is but a glass of water; a rainstorm is instantly drunk up.
When you wake up, drink a glass of water and have a small snack. I would suggest a piece of your favorite fruit.
If you don't like the taste, dilute it in a glass of water, then let it stand for several hours before drinking.
Instead, he said he had learnt to be as happy as Zeus if all he had to eat was a glass of water and a barley cake.
The most popular method is to carefully Pierce the shell and catch drops of the egg white in a glass of water.
Don’t get angry or demand satisfaction when she/he carelessly spilled a glass of water on your English dictionary.
She then separates out the whites, drops each one into a glass of water, seals the rim with her hand, and inverts it.
Dehydration can also be mistaken for hunger - have a glass of water first before reaching for a snack or eating a meal.
Dehydration can also be mistaken for hunger - have a glass of water first before reaching for a snack or eating a meal.