So he treats them to a golf game the next day scoring major points and erasing the initial meeting fail.
Yesterday I was having dinner with my parents and my dad downloaded a golf game right there at the dinner table!
A Richardson's ground squirrel takes in the action from the second tee during the Telus Skins Game golf tournament in Banff, Alberta.
He found the game he wanted quickly, but as he took it off the shelf, he saw a golf video game next to it.
He had no outside "extracurricular interests, " unless, of course, you think about a monthly golf game that way. To Phil, it was work.
A Richardson's ground squirrel takes in the action from second tee during the Telus Skins Game golf tournament in Banff, alberta.
Far more than fame, what Ralph Guldahl wanted was a nice, quiet game of golf.
Maybe it’s a game of golf, a cup of coffee, church, community group or spending more time with the family.
Golf needs to "bifurcate" into a professional sport and a game for the masses, says Mr Fellows.
People can use along weekend getaway to play a championship golf course, attend a specialbaseball game, or learn to operate a car like a racecar driver.
It lets players plot their concentration levels at important moments in a game-during a golf swing, say-on a chart and, in so doing, helps them learn to ignore distractions.
Fred: I'm going on a diet to improve my golf game.
"I thought I was going to have a little time on my hands to get things done around the house or work on my golf game," he said. "None of that has happened yet."
But unlike other sports, the rules of golf not only dictate the rules of the game, they actually prescribe a code of behavior and ethics for our athletes.
In many countries and cultures around the world, informal occasions - such as a friendly meal or a game of a golf - are more important to the sales process than a formal presentation in the boardroom.
And finally, hundreds of trees need to be removed so that the golfer can more freely appreciate that he is enjoying a game of golf in one of the world's most beautiful spots.
Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled 'Gentlemen Only… Ladies Forbidden'… and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language.
Changing you eating habits before, during and even after a round of golf may be just the boost you need to take your game to a new level.
Returning from a golf outing, my husband was greeted at the door by Sara, our four-year-old daughter. "Daddy, who won the golf game? You or Uncle Richie?""
So with these factors in mind we feel we have made the decision in the best interest of the game and we now look forward to what will be a great year for the Australian golf community.
Michelle went out with her friends to lunch or dinner, " Klein's source claimed, "and he stayed at home or went to the gym to play basketball or had a game of golf.
Michelle went out with her friends to lunch or dinner, " Klein's source claimed, "and he stayed at home or went to the gym to play basketball or had a game of golf.