Constructing the $2.5 billion runway on reclaimed land in waters off the existing base has already poured a good deal of money into the area.
根据计划,在已有军事基地附近海域中有一块围海圈成的陆地,其将被用来建造新机场跑道,预计该项目将耗资25亿美圆。 目前工程已给这一地区注入了大量资金。
You people are so creative to creat fake eggs, poisoned fish and fatal milk powder so as to lower the production cost while making a good deal of money!
It is a lure because during the bubble values are rising steeply, so an investor who exits before the bubble has peaked may be leaving a good deal of money on the table.
A good deal of the money that the Federal Reserve pumped into the U.S. financial markets through QE2 didn't stay in those markets.
It sounds like your revenge is costing you a heck of a lot of money, what remains of your hearing, and a good deal of sleep to boot.
These plans are a particularly good deal if you don't have many medical expenses and can keep the money in the account for years to make the most of the tax benefits.
These plans are a particularly good deal if you don't have many medical expenses and can keep the money in the account for years to make the most of the tax benefits.