A good many of the degrees were conferred in absence.
His wife's affiliation to the best people brought him a good many of those patients.
In the new era of globalization, a good many of new situations and new problems occur.
Municipal water demand prediction was a complex system predictive issue including a good many of factors.
While the distribution justice is the basic form of social justice among a good many of factors of social justice.
A good many of us, I'm sure a good many of us here, intuitively react that this sort of commentary tends to miss the mark.
As it turned out, a good many of the "not so new" specialists found value in the lab and lecture I delivered — many more than I had anticipated.
It was the case of a good many of them, but the others settled down and spread on the island, in the neighborhood of the city and in the heart of Papeete.
Many parents work all day long to provide their children with a good living condition, but their kids might want for nothing else but the company of their parents.
He knows a good many things out of books but he doesn't know anything else.
The start of a new year is a good time to reflect on the many achievements of the past.
Rebecca West wrote a good many novels and one in particular called The Return of the Soldier, the protagonist of which is also a traumatized war victim.
Now many specialists believe that cave paintings were not part of a ritual to bring good luck to hunters.
Many people think that the rainbow is a symbol of good fortune because it connects heaven and earth.
They hold many kinds of activities in honor of old people to wish them good health and a long life.
It was amazing that Pineda had come into such a good luck, after having so many years of hardship.
A good many things in the world cannot be considered and valued in terms of money.
I think it would be a really good idea to encourage other kids of my age to walk because many kids are getting fat nowadays.
Logging is something that many people understand, and it is a good example of how AOP can be used.
The OCAP 1.1.2 document is 667 pages long, and like any good specification it builds on a foundation of many other documents.
This is the legacy that many people now blame for a good part of California's fiscal crisis.
Berkshire is seen as a buyer of choice, Mr Buffett says, by many owners of good, non-public companies.
In this case, then, it is obvious how many would want to develop a good set of beliefs.
Higher prices are hardly a universal blessing: they are good for farmers, many of whom are poor, but bad for consumers.
While it is normal to assume that a person's history is a good indicator of future performance, many companies have found out the hard way that this isn't necessarily true.
Tweetdeck is a good example of user interface design on many levels.
It does mean though, that many women often have a good understanding of the factors that affect their weight.
Photography is a favorite source for many designers, and architecture is a good source of inspiration as well.
But in my years of experience as a marriage counselor, I have constantly struggled with the belief of many clients that dishonesty can be a good idea under certain conditions.
Many of her supporters think that is a good thing-america is tired of recklessness abroad.