I failed in a math exam, I lied to mother that I got a good mark.
I failed in a math exam, but I lied to mother that I got a good mark.
He works hard all day, as a result, he got a good mark in his English exam.
If we want to get a good mark and enter a dreamy senior school, we must do our best.
I like the Beijing 2008 Olympic. And I believe all the sportsmen in the world will take a good mark.
You said that if I brought a good mark this week, you would give me a dollar and I haven't brought one.
Therefore, I always study hard, because I know if I don 't do that, I won't have the opportunity to get a good mark.
We' re in business to make a profit, but this profit comes from both a good mark-up and having a high turn-over Of stock.
I must have sounded very proud of myself after the test, saying loudly how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark.
We received a good mark on the Legal Service Review provided by our law firm to our customer Langfang EPRI Toshiba Arrester Co.
Physics has never been my favorite subject, but I think I am sure to be able get a good mark next exam as long as Ms. Chen teaches me.
As we going to graduate, and would like to get a good mark in the senior high school entrance examination, many students in my class want to study in the classroom at night.
In order to get good luck before the competition, Mark made a decision to go to the barber.
Dr. Mark Salter, a consultant psychiatrist, told the BBC: "Baking and cooking are good therapies. They help patients develop planning skills, short-term memories and social skills—lack of which may lead to mental illness."
"There has been a lot of early hype, and there are some very good applications, " says Mark Leeson from the University of Warwick, UK.
When you have a good idea of your goals and how to mark up your content, you can build efficient elements and attributes.
What I will say, however, is that any tendencies to portray them as a straight fight between good guys and bad guys do appear to be wide of the mark. Real life is always far more complicated.
Mark Levison recommends the Agile games Google group as a good place to find ideas for Agile games.
If the things seems to totally desperate that would mark against this argument being a good one.
It is a mark of how bad the graft is now that some otherwise good candidates have been rendered ineligible by their own incontinence on expenses.
It's a good idea to mark out on a calendar or spreadsheet the dates you get paid and the total amount.
Its kitschy advertisements, reputation for good customer service and low fares are making a mark on the industry.
In the meantime a few thoughts crossed my mind which I thought were quick-off-the-mark, but today I know they did me no good.
It is a good job, and Mark [Thompson] earns more than twice what I earned when I was doing it.
There's a good section that shows how to use iptables to mark packets, and then use Linux routing functionality to route the packets based on these marks.
Although there is no commercial version of eXist, Mark Logic is a good replacement candidate for eXist when performance and scalability requirements go beyond capabilities of eXist.
He'd been a fan of the good Doctor since he was 11 and had been keen to make his mark on the show, both by writing (he'd written four episodes) and through his script editing work.
He'd been a fan of the good Doctor since he was 11 and had been keen to make his mark on the show, both by writing (he'd written four episodes) and through his script editing work.