That's a good question, and I don't want to pretend that MBWA is some sort of replacement for other methods of customer research.
That is a good question, since the capacity for recall has always been linked with the ability to talk.
Aristotle thinks that it a good question and that he knows the answer.
You don't have to raise your voice but a good question is all you need.
"Who among us understands what to do about Pakistan" Joe Biden asks a good question.
“WHO among us understands what to do about Pakistan?” Joe Biden asks a good question.
That's a good question, because finding inspiration can sometimes be a struggle.
My choosing you is a question I knew you must ask and I think it is a good question.
I mean I — at some point you just have to throw up your hands, but yes it's a good question.
Where are you getting your data from? -that's a good question. I get my data from the IPCC.
那你的数据是从哪里来的? -问得好。我的数据来自IPCC。
Well, that's a good question and there are still innumerable, often competing answers to that question.
That is a good question, and one that I definitely did not know when we began our journey two years ago.
That's a good question... you can't really explain what it's like unless you experience it yourself.
That's a good question — but sometimes, despite a good API choice, you will have to massage the data some.
I write that very thing at the top of the page because it seems like a good question to ask Liam Neeson.
It's a good question, and I think it still stands unresolved in the general understanding of this poem.
So there was a good question in Wednesday's class about the DE Broglie wavelength and if it can actually go to infinity.
It's a good question, because agriculture is probably the single most destructive thing that humans do to the earth.
If my action will not bring happiness and success, but the move failed and the ride is better than a good question to death.
A good question is - why there has to be a CPU cost to render something? After all, it's the GPU that is doing the actual work.
It's a good question. The question is, "What are the chances that somebody with autism will be able to overcome their deficiencies?"
This is a good question and I have always wanted to write an article on Ashura, but I am so lazy that I would forget in a while.
A good question. I had a friend who travelled the world after his heart attack. He said he was looking for the meaning to his life.
That's a loaded way of putting the question, but it is a good question even so, and one to which Angela Merkel is manifestly sympathetic.
That's a loaded way of putting the question, but it is a good question even so, and one to which Angela Merkel is manifestly sympathetic.