You did me a good turn, and, in this world, what is given is always returned.
I think what Aesop was suggesting is that when you offer a good turn to another human being, one can hope that that good deed will come back and sort of pay a profit to you, the doer of the good deed.
There is a good turn-out this evening. Have you been to any other Chamber of Commerce events?
Whey don't you ask Hal to help you write the application? He usually has a good turn of phrase.
I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out: If anybody knows of it, it will not count.
I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out: If anybody knows of it, it will not count.
Whoever figured out that a scoop of ice cream was meant to float in a glass of fizzy soda did his fellow man a good turn.
Whoever figured out that a scoop of ice cream was meant to float in a glass of fizzy soda did his fellow man a good turn.
Normally, a good turn is started above the fall line with close to 90% of the weight on the outside ski as demonstrated here by the author.
'As you know, my child, it'll be the fifteenth in two days, so if you could lend me three or four hundred francs, you'd be doing me a good turn.
Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways. I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out If anybody knows of it, it will not count.
If you do someone a good turn today, don't expect a thank you. 'Cheers', 'ta' or even 'wicked' is the more likely response, if a survey is to be believed.
一项调查发现,如果你帮了别人一个忙,别以为他会说说“thank you(谢谢你)”,他很可能说cheers(谢谢)、ta(谢了)或wicked(真棒)等词语来表达对你的感谢。
You also can E-mail the irritating kid your notes, and, in the college bartering system, now he owes you a good turn if you ever happen to miss class yourself.
You see, dear, I know that the Stick-in-the-mud people are doing us a good turn and themselves a bad one by going back to secret trials and executions as soon.
You need not be afraid of harming him: though I hate him as much as ever, he did me a good turn a short time since, that will make my conscience tender of breaking his neck.
Good parents turn every meal into a special occasion which they can use to discipline their kids.
God can turn a misdeed to the good of the injured person and bring trouble on the offender.
When good students turn in an essay, they dream of their instructor returning it to them in exactly the same condition, save for a single word added in the margin of the final page: "Flawless."
Life is full of the unexpected, and bad luck may turn into a good thing.
By the time Ben was tired, Tom had exchanged the next turn with Billy Fisher for a good kite, and then Johnny Miller, and so on.
Whether you are someone who just wants to move from good to great with your speaking, or someone who feels too afraid to stand up and speak, the great news is that you can move forward, be relaxed, and turn into a great speaker.
One way to turn Germanic chieftains from potential enemies into loyal supporters was to offer them a good position in the Roman military.
If a writer does not go deep among the masses, he cannot expect to turn out good works.
While their first drafts may be pretty good, a good rewrite can turn a pretty good document into one that will knock your socks off.
After all, manufacturers often add ingredients, such as sugar, that can instantly turn a good snack bad.
When the twins were 8 years old, their parents decided to turn over the children to a tutor, It's maybe a good idea to turn to a professional tutor.
When the twins were 8 years old, their parents decided to turn over the children to a tutor, It's maybe a good idea to turn to a professional tutor.