There is also a grey area here, let me say going back to what you were saying earlier.
Some typos present enough of a GREy area to make them difficult to pursue the perpetrators through the courts.
Many executives privately admit that carried interest is a grey area and should probably be taxed somewhere in between capital gains and income.
We're not allowed to turn the phone itself into a medical device, and what that precisely means is currently a grey area in terms of regulation.
The former appears to be crucial to the satirical intent of the game, while the latter is something of a grey area – who is most likely to object to the content here: users or Apple?
It's a GREy area, that many try to finagle through, avoiding more responsibilities, yet still taking a claim to those ravishing days of dark nights, city streetlights, pumping fists, and club noise.
The customer information in the grey shaded area is stored in a separate relational database.
To finish off the layout of the webpage the footer area is exported, a selection around the image is made that matches the overall width and includes the grey gradient of the graphic.
As Theo Hobson put it in an exchange with me a few years back, "a huge proportion of believers inhabit this grey area between 'literal' and 'metaphorical' belief - in a sense all believers do."
This isn't black and white. There will probably be a lot of grey area in between.
The mysterious grey object glided around the residential area of Knowle, Bristol, at 5.30pm on Sunday without making a sound.
And if our content area is white, the background should be a close plain tone, which means light grey or very pale colours.
In this paper, a Daqing area epidemic encephalitis diseases forecasting model making use of grey system theory proposed by professor Deng Julong and method of weight function was built.
Car-hailing apps are a legal grey area in China as transport laws have lagged behind technological advances.
The other side, which overlooks the outdoor area, has a light grey facade lined with long balconies.
Those who have spent the night there also claim the entire area is bathed in a strange bluish grey light.
The ASCI USES a 10-point scale for its qualitative questions as well, which allows for more grey area than a more narrow scale, he says.
They found that the PD patients with mild cognitive impairment showed a trend toward reduced grey matter in the cingulate area, a brain region associated with cognitive performance.
Shawshank is no Canon City, but in a rural area a man humping his ass across country in a grey pyjama suit sticks out like a cockroach on a wedding cake.
Special note: The dark grey shaded area on this graph is a duplication of symbols from the graph on page 6.
The entrance area has walls lined in dark grey velvet drapes to create a theatrical entrance, with the rest of the hall and stairwell painted in a matching dark grey hue all the way up.
It is a scope defined by that increasingly narrow grey area in between "conservative" and liberal.
This article applies a GM (1, 1) model of Grey System Theory established to forecasts the agricultural water demand of an area in northern China.
Like other buildings in the area, the house has a sharply pitching roof, covered in dark grey SLATE tiles.
Greyware refers to a malicious software or code that is considered to fall in the "grey area" between normal software and a virus.
Greyware refers to a malicious software or code that is considered to fall in the "grey area" between normal software and a virus.