Nothing equals a heap of stones in longevity, unless it is a board fence.
If I remember right, he stumbled over a heap of stones, looked up at the stars, and so on.
On one side of the pit stood a massive pile of cut turves and a heap of stones and undressed timbers.
Then he trod about for awhile on the ground comprised in the space between the tree and the heap of stones, like a person who is trying to assure himself that the soil has not recently been disturbed.
Then there burst forth on that heap of paving-stones, in that Rue DE la Chanvrerie, a battle worthy of a wall of Troy.
And they raised over him a great heap of stones unto this day.
The stadium he designed collapsed in a heap of bricks and building stones after the blast.
Write a function to determine whether you can win the game given the number of stones in the heap.
And they took Absalom, and cast him into a great pit in the wood, and laid a very great heap of stones upon him: and all Israel fled every one to his tent.
Write a function to determine whether you can win the game given the number of stones in the heap.
And they took Absalom, and cast him into a great pit in the wood, and laid a very great heap of stones upon him: and all Israel fled every one to his tent.
The people piled a great heap of stones over them as a reminder of this terrible event.
Such a man came upon him, like a ghost, at noon in the July weather, as he sat on his heap of stones under a bank, taking such shelter ashe could get from a shower of hail.
那个七月天的正午就有这样一个人像鬼怪般向他走来。 那时,他正坐在一道陡壁下的石堆上想方设法躲避着一场冰雹。
Both of you are very clever and have optimal strategies for the game. Write a function to determine whether you can win the game given the number of stones in the heap.
Both of you are very clever and have optimal strategies for the game. Write a function to determine whether you can win the game given the number of stones in the heap.