The AARP doesn't need a hearing aid manufacturer to function.
An old man suffered hard of hearing because of old age, so his son bought him a hearing aid.
Small Benxiong walked like Grandma do not wear a hearing aid, how will the horn did not react?
The hearing aid placed in a cool, dry place, not wearing a hearing aid, take a shower, swimming.
If you have trouble deciding whether or not you need a hearing aid you can try one for a limited time.
If you share the misconception, perhaps you should consider trying out a hearing aid for a short time.
Her parents say that there is a hearing aid machine worth Rs. 10000 that can help her but they can't afford it.
Originally a small Benxiong grandmother age big ears is not active, small Benxiong grandmother had given him with a hearing aid.
A hearing aid careful not to break the wire, don't break the headset microphone, don't poke with a small screwdriver tip and hard.
Some worry about the cosmetic effect of wearing a hearing aid but give little thought to the social effect of not wearing one when needed.
The invention also provides a hearing aid and a method for carrying out electrophysiological measurement of the hearing ability of an individual.
We think people with moderate hearing loss should be able to buy a hearing aid over the counter as easily as you can buy reading glasses at your local pharmacy.
Two in three of the participants had no prior experience with hearing AIDS. One in four even stated in advance that they would not even think of living with a hearing aid.
According to Susanne Pfeifer, a hearing aid specialist, the change in attitude was due mainly to improvements in comprehension, resulting from the improvements in hearing ability.
“You can’t cremate any kind of electronic device like a cell phone or hearing aid or pacemaker,” says Perman.
Sitting just a sixth of an inch from the eardrum, closer than any other hearing aid, it maximizes use of the entire outer ear to capture sound naturally.
Phonak's new Audeo device comes in 15 fashionable colors, looks more like a sleek ear phone than an old-fashioned hearing aid and is being marketed as a 'personal communication assistant.
Phonak's new Audeo device comes in 15 fashionable colors, looks more like a sleek ear phone than an old-fashioned hearing aid and is being marketed as a 'personal communication assistant.'
The first commercial device to use a transistor was the Sonotone 1010 hearing aid, created in 1953.
第一款使用晶体管的商品是诞生于1953年的Sonotone 1010助听器。
Just amplifying the sound with a traditional hearing aid doesn't help because it makes the unaffected frequencies too loud.
However, the hearing impaired applicant who wear a hearing-aid equipment to achieve the above conditions may apply for a small car, small car-based quasi-Automatic car motor vehicle driving license.
Hearing aid placed in a drying box night, don't put it in direct sunlight, should avoid high temperature, high humidity environment, try to avoid collision.
A brief test can determine if cause of hearing loss is in the inner ear or in the brain. The results are useful in hearing aid fitting.
Hearing aid is not used for a long time, you should take out the battery, placed in a cool ventilated place.
Conclusion Not only can wearing hearing aid improve the hearing, but also have positive effects on the treatment for tinnitus with decreased hearing, especially wearing a long time everyday.
Conclusion: hearing aid is not only a hearing compensating tool, it also has some therapeutic effect as well.
This refers to the use of a BTE hearing aid where the receiver (loudspeaker) is placed outside of the hearing aid case and inside the wearer's ear canal.
就是耳背式助听器的耳机不位于机身内,而是置于佩戴者的耳道内。 一根由细导管包裹绝缘的细导线连接耳机与助听器机身。
Jimmy was an old dog, and his hair was a mix of all colors: a bit gray, a bit brown and a bit black, and he was almost deaf too, so he always wore his hearing aid.
Jimmy was an old dog, and his hair was a mix of all colors: a bit gray, a bit brown and a bit black, and he was almost deaf too, so he always wore his hearing aid.