But undertaking a renovation can be a Herculean task.
Maintaining five friendships promises to be a Herculean task, so I'm going to have to let one of you go.
These products are a positive start but it remains a Herculean task to recapture this lucrative market from Apple and Android.
"Being the signatory of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, India will have to do this, which is a herculean task," he observed.
A herculean task. But it was done by the tens and then hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs pushing the frontier of what was allowed.
But persuading large swathes of the citizenry to spend less time watching sport on television and more time actually working up a sweat is a Herculean task.
Even though you're confronted with that horrible thought that you're alone, that you're working on a never-ending, Herculean task, push it to the back of your mind.
Therefore, it is a Herculean and long-term task for plant breeding workers to cultivate the germplasms of resistance to these factors.
To mold a front against the Japanese, however, was a task of Herculean proportions.
Two million signatures were needed from all over the country in just one month, a task made even more herculean by the sheer size of Russia.
我需要在短短一个月时间里从全国征集到200万个签名。 单是俄罗斯的面积便增加了这项任务的难度。 此外,还必须举办一场提名大会。
So, a boy of one hundred and forty pounds, he clung to his herculean task of guiding the two hundred straining tons of fabric amid the chaos of the great storm forces.
So, a boy of one hundred and forty pounds, he clung to his herculean task of guiding the two hundred straining tons of fabric amid the chaos of the great storm forces.