Remember a writer once said: "to be a honest man, is worth to be a famous, honest, and trustworthy, is fundamental to life."
Bill Krejci, a web designer, felt that he needed to do something more for this amazingly honest man.
Dale Schroeder was a simple, honest man.
He is an honest student today and a useful man tomorrow.
Just then, a man rushed through the crowd to Joseph and shouted excitedly, "Thank God you're here. I knew you are an honest man."
After an hour, a man rushed through the crowd to the artist and said, "I knew you were honest and would certainly come here."
The man, by the way, has lived in the US longer than I have, and is a university researcher on climate change, hardworking and honest.
Tales like Mr. Farani’s abound here, so much so that it makes one wonder if an honest man can ever make a difference.
Jackson's final years in the Lexington community earned him a reputation as an honest and dutiful man of devout faith.
And although Jacob appears to be something of an anti-hero he actually literally limps into the Promised Land alone Jacob is a new and honest man.
"This insult comes from a man who is more honest than intelligent, " read one message, while other photographs were superimposed with the words: "We are not your concubines".
Yet even in these dangerous surroundings, culture and beauty endure and an honest man can still chart a path for good, no matter how perilous.
By chance lie not, cannot tell a lie and said he is not an honest man.
"I am not a robber. I sell used clothing and handbags and shoes at Alade Market, I am an honest man," Paiko said.
The people had considered him (to be) a great leader , and a wise , kind and honest man.
Andy: the funny thing is on the outside, I was an honest man. Straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a crook.
"Here lies an honest man and a lawyer," responded the lawyer. "Sorry, but I can't do that," replied the stonecutter.
Now, Valentine, said the warden, Youll go out in the morning. Make a man of yourself. Youre not a bad fellow really. Stop breaking open safes and be honest.
"Li was a handsome, honest and honorable young man," said Yen. He also credited Li with paving the way for advancing the further research on wheat scab disease.
So, to be honest, I do not believe ladies will marry a man for money only.
That would have sent a message that Obama was like Simon: liberal, honest, and definitely his own man.
The most precious gift that a man can offer is the honest sharing of his innermost thoughts and feelings.
To accuse an honest man of stealing is a defamation of his character.
To accuse an honest man of stealing is a defamation of his character.