Clicking this link brings up a dialog with a host of options, including some really neat possibilities.
Eclipse is a large, complex IDE with many, many plug-ins, and it offers a host of options you can customize.
The backup command includes a host of options, parameters, and clauses that control backup output. The following table lists some typical backup options.
Developing web applications that utilize cookies can be time-consuming. Firecookie, a Firebug extension, gives you a host of options and features strictly for working with cookies.
Whereas JSF gives you a host of event options -- menu item selected, button clicked, etc. -- most Model 2s rely on the more simple "request received."
The attacker then sends a packet full of SACK options designed to force the other host to scan that entire queue to process each option.
A host of different radiographic options are available for lung cancer staging and are frequently used in combination with one another for best effect.
Like a gifted plastic surgeon, a seasoned restorer has many options these days and a host of materials and instruments at his disposal, even acupuncture needles.
But there are many other options for Internet services including cable, satellite and a whole host of wireless Internet options.
We've got a range of collar and cuff options available and a host of fabrics.
Once you've built your scripts controller, you have a whole host of options for executing scripts using the Zend Framework.
The options contained within the host section in the sample are the minimum needed to install the LPAR and be able to continue to use the entry for subsequent booting of the LPAR as a DHCP client.
Modern comforts converge with the vintage stylings, with contemporary dining options and a host of state-of-the-art amenities.
Modern comforts converge with the vintage stylings, with contemporary dining options and a host of state-of-the-art amenities.