You pay regular premiums and in return the insurance company will pay out a lump sum.
The company has invested a six-figure sum in an electronic order-control system which is used to keep stores stocked.
In those days, $20 was not a sum to be sniffed at.
In those days, $20 was not a sum to be sneezed at.
To one in such a situation, five shillings may very well appear a large sum of money.
To sum up, I've mentioned several key points in becoming a successful public speaker, such as good preparation, audience awareness, brevity, etc.
An Amsterdam merchant purchasing soap from a merchant in Marseille could go to an exchanger and pay the exchanger the equivalent sum in guilders, the Dutch currency.
Economists were long puzzled, for example, by the routine outcome of a game in which one player divides a sum of money between himself and a competitor, who then decides whether the shares are fair.
Under the second rule, a break between blocks occurs when the sum of the elements in a block exceeds 100.
In an abundant number, the sum of the factors is greater than the number, and in a deficient number, the sum of the factors is less than the number.
Commanding a $1-million sum for her appearance in the film, Taylor became the highest paid actress of her generation.
她在这部影片中的片酬高达 1 百万美元,一跃成为了她那个年代片酬最高的女演员。
A local farmer claimed he was held for 25 days, then bailed out for a large sum of money, after finding a dead rhino in his fields.
Very few projects offer the general public a chance to volunteer in improving the sum of human knowledge in such a significant way.
Each event represents a change in state, and the ordered sum of all normal entity states represents a lifecycle.
Cement’s going rate is glorious, too: $200 per metric ton in Togo, a sum like a siren song luring clunky cement ships from their distant ports.
That is a tidy sum in Nepal, South Asia's poorest country.
Each individual improvement can have a positive effect, but when taken in sum, they can result in dramatic results.
Create a contract in which you're paid a certain sum if your income falls below a set level.
For too long, policymakers, lawmakers, and voters have treated competitiveness as a zero-sum game, in which another nation's gain is necessarily the United States' loss.
In sum, showing your anger conveys a toughness that can help you get what you want.
In sum, there is a slight change in emphasis away from education and toward outright competition.
I reject the notion that China and the United States are engaged in a zero-sum competition, where one side must fall for the other to rise.
Was Josiah, too, driven by a zero-sum worldview in which the worshippers of gods other than Yahweh looked like enemies?
But prosperity is not a zero-sum game: if a society cashes in on the female dividend to create more wealth, men and children share in the bounty.
In sum, Syria is a regional snake-pit in which few neighbours-or outsiders from farther afield-would be wise to dangle their toes.
In sum, Syria is a regional snake-pit in which few neighbours-or outsiders from farther afield-would be wise to dangle their toes.