When children finish a chore, they will not only take pride in a job well done but also have confidence in their ability to do things well.
It is also a good practice to keep a folder of references and commendations for a job well done that you augment throughout your career.
Just as you may reward your children when they do their chores with stickers on a chart or a weekly allowance, you deserve a treat when you get your job done as well.
When your boss congratulates you on a job well done, don't mention that you had a lot of help.
Well, to be honest, I think you could have done a better job. It was a little dry.
As for my survival strategy, well, each day, I wake up feeling a little tired and achy. After a few miles that goes and it's just a case of moving forward and getting the job done for the day.
The average reward for a job well done is likely to be a little over $110, 000 compared with around $175, 000 in 2007.
Weakness: : I'm such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done.
It's the recognition of a job well done, or a sign of empathy after a long battle that keeps people going.
In China, belches are considered an indication of your satisfaction and a compliment to the chef on a job well done.
Learners to master speed, have self-confidence, strong organizational analysis, a specified period of time in a job well done.
When your boss congratulates you on a job well done, dont mention that you had a lot of help.
Manager : Of course I did. As recongnition for a job well done. Once a month I invite the most productive employee to dinner.
Do one nice thing for each of them... perhaps helping them on a project or just offering thanks and feedback for a job well done.
I'm such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done.
People head off in droves to their local coffee shop for a morning Latte and often head back after a job well done to pat themselves on the back.
A job well done a: Good morning. Phyllis Seymour speaking.
A job well done a: Good morning. Phyllis Seymour speaking.