Paul is a meticulous taskmaster on a job site, and he tends to disapprove of my cutting corners - as I tried to do by reducing the concrete in the foundation.
It is cheaper to have extra building work done when the builder is on site, rather than bringing him back for a small job.
In every job I have held, from cutting lawns to washing dishes to working a machine on a construction site, I have learned something.
E The HUD site also lists opportunities to provide technology access and job training to those who need it on a volunteer basis.
When you're creating a site, your job is to get rid of the question marks -the decisions users need to make consciously, considering pros, cons and alternatives.
Despite the persistently dismal unemployment rate at present, Sheer thinks the hiring announcements his site has reported so far this year are just the beginning of a resurgence in job creation.
As well as selling job advertising, the site charges users a premium for some career-related services and firms for the use of proprietary software that helps them identify promising candidates.
The administrator creates a job that will notify all devices of this type that a new patch is available when the user next connects to the site.
If there are paths by which your site can be navigated purely through hyperlinks, you've probably not done a good job of information and interaction design.
For a site that lives and breathes authentic online community, Twitter has done a miserable job of incorporating or even linking to the wealth of information created for and by business.
A poll of 1,254 employees by the job portal site CareerNet found that 74 percent of men felt upset with the attire of their female co-workers.
A poll of 1, 254 employees by the job portal site CareerNet found that 74 percent of men felt upset with the attire of their female co-workers.
It was three years before he quit his day job in a general management program at Intuit to work on the site full time.
But recently Mr. Kirshner posted a job on the advertising site Craigslist . He says he had one hundred fifty good candidates within four hours.
"I think it's tough for all working parents ... Trying to juggle is a difficult task, " said Patrick Sullivan, president of job site, which conducted the poll.
Very simple principle: If a web-site isn't able to meet users' expectations, then designer failed to get his job done properly and the company loses money.
So they'll do a better job on an online calendar than a video sharing site, for example, because their employees are probably not supposed to be sitting watching videos at work.
Particularly when answering ads through online job boards or through a corporate Web site, be sure to include critical keywords high up in your resume.
While the browser itself does a nice job of redrawing the site to adapt to the different widths, you might want to give yourself more control over your site's response to a change in direction.
Supported employment employs a rapid job search and trains consumers on-site in real-life jobs in their communities.
"I was digging holes for planting trees," recalls Li, who now has a full-time job at a dinosaur museum built at that very site.
I guess the obvious answer to the dilemma is for meto try and get a job at Flickr or Zooomr or some other such site! Lol.
If you're applying for a serious job, a site showing how you love to party can potentially put your professional reputation at risk.
Secretly though, if you do your job right… and design a beautiful site… and/or produce useful content… you’ll get Off-Site backlinks and social bookmarks without even lifting a finger.
但背地里想想:如果你把工作做好 了...设 计了一个漂亮的网站...并且/或者产生了有用的内容...那你不需动动手指即可得到站外(Off-Site)的反向链接并被收集到社会书签 (social bookmarks)。
Secretly though, if you do your job right… and design a beautiful site… and/or produce useful content… you’ll get Off-Site backlinks and social bookmarks without even lifting a finger.
但背地里想想:如果你把工作做好 了...设 计了一个漂亮的网站...并且/或者产生了有用的内容...那你不需动动手指即可得到站外(Off-Site)的反向链接并被收集到社会书签 (social bookmarks)。