I got a seat opposite a middle-aged man with sharp eyes, who kept watching a young woman in a window seat with a little boy on her lap.
There was something that kept a distance between him and any woman who started to get close, something he wasn’t sure he could change even if he tried.
'Desperate Housewives' star Eva Longoria recently split from her basketball player husband Tony Parker after alleging that he strayed with a woman he kept in touch with on Facebook.
I've only made such a report once, for a woman with learning disabilities whose parents kept either rescheduling or failing to bring her in for her appointments.
He kept on saying you would never come any more, and that I was a foolish woman.
Meeting a woman in a clean, well-kept environment signals higher quality and lowers the risk of an infection substantially.
A Japanese man who was mystified when food kept disappearing from his kitchen, set up a hidden camera and found an unknown woman living secretly in his closet, Japanese media said Friday.
The staff at the home kept her secret for quite sometime, even after they discovered that she was a woman.
At first, I was very shy and kept refusing, but with their continuous encouragement, I decided to do it well, so I was dressed up like a woman.
The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept persisting in her innocence.
A woman who had an affair with her married dance instructor kept the remains of their love-child hidden away from a disapproving world for half a century, an inquest was told yesterday.
The defendant a woman of only 30 kept insisting on her own innocence.
After other claims of extraterrestrial life turning up in Siberia, the latest is from a Russian woman who says she kept a frozen alien corpse in her fridge.
The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence.
They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.
The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence.
She was a good woman, Elizabeth Branwell. She kept my home for more than twenty years, and she taught my daughters everything she knew.
It took four years of screening before the team had chosen its recipient, a woman whose cause of disfigurement is being kept secret along with her name.
How is it possible, he thinks, to miss a woman whom he kept at a distance so that when she was gone he would not miss her.
If a woman happens to have a particular superiority, for example, a profound mind, it is best kept a profound secret.
The film is based on the fairy tale of the same name about a beautiful woman kept in a castle by a horrific monster.
You'll certainly be a very understanding wife. If it had been another woman, she'd have kept a strict watch on Hung-chien and not allowed him to have any freedom.
The material was kept in large rolls. And the storekeeper cut off as much as a woman wanted.
The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own …
没分我就不翻译了…给分我就帮你 …被告是一位30岁左右的女士, …
The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own …
没分我就不翻译了…给分我就帮你 …被告是一位30岁左右的女士, …