Bicycling could be a key way for Chinese people to remain lean but is out of fashion.
We need to bring those barriers of entry to the Internet, and speed is a key way to do it.
Agricultural reclamation is a key way to increase grain production in the feudal society.
Knowing yourself for leadership growth is a key way to set yourself apart from other people.
Checking the unit price on the shelf tag, which expresses the cost divided by quantity, is a key way to find the best deal.
A while ago a friend sent me a quote which really sums up very eloquently a key way of bringing more peace in our life.
Androgens travel around the body in the blood stream, and a key way of treating hirsutism is to reduce the level of these androgens.
As one of the most important components, proper design of the absorber is a key way to improve the integrative performance of the refrigerating system.
In fact, the use of an index for sort avoidance is a key way to improve the performance of SQL that qualifies far more rows than will actually ever be FETCHed.
Therefore, study on the genes encoding the two macro-moleculars is considered as a key way to disclose the mechanism of plants defensing fungal infection.
It is also pointed out that reinforcing the cooperation research with multi-subject monitoring is a key way to speed up the realization to climatic change law.
Musical course is a key way to improve all the students' accomplishment, so it is vital to construct and improve the establishment of the musical course in university education.
Psychologists have long held that a person's character cannot undergo a transformation in any meaningful way and that the key traits of personality are determined at a very young age.
For Tarkovsky, the key to that magic was the way in which cinema created a dynamic image of the real flow of events.
When it comes to it governance, a key issue is transparency of process and data, all the way up the chain.
Normally, you have to enter this passphrase every time you want to connect to any remote cloud instance that USES the key, but there is a secure way to avoid this annoyance: Employ an SSH agent.
To show up in a conscious way that builds and sustains your brand, three key attributes must be in place: Consistency, Distinctiveness, and Engaging.
This modern dream theory suggests dreaming is a way to file away key information and discard meaningless data.
The data model and the business relationship between tables can provide a more stable way of selecting a partitioning key than specific SQL statements.
Refactoring must become a key part of your software development activity, done in a methodical way using appropriate tools so as to progressively improve the quality of your code.
One of the key capabilities is to change the way a service is invoked without having to make changes to the service itself.
It creates a new sub-tree structure for SOAP messages so allowing you to access key parts of a SOAP message in a convenient and familiar way.
For me, a key piece of evidence that incentive schemes affect performance is given by the way I was paid pocket money as a child.
There is no centralized way to revoke a key once a key pair has been generated or to know exactly to whom the key has been distributed.
"The key is that organizations find a way structurally for generations to interact but it can't be a rah-rah coffee or lunch," Buntin said.
Scanning these abstracts is a handy way to quickly examine a large collection of papers for their key points.
A key to this is an easy way to pay and content that is hard to copy.
Your ethical and moral values will affect the way you answer the questions. This is a key point.
Your ethical and moral values will affect the way you answer the questions. This is a key point.