Only establishing confidence can we accomplish our goal. Nevertheless, many people especially teenagers suffer from a lack of confidence.
Humility can sometimes be confused with a lack of confidence.
For the general public, saving much is due to a lack of confidence in future livelihood.
The writers point out that a lack of confidence is behind a number of familiar female habits.
The writers point out that a lack of confidence is behind a number of familiar female habits.
Poor posture is often associated with a lack of confidence or a lack of engagement or interest.
Now we have so many underwater, and so many unemployed, that it is creating a lack of confidence.
It shows a lack of confidence in the team member and a lack of ability in themselves as a leader.
Excessive smiling in a job interview is seen for what it is— nervousness and a lack of confidence.
Excessive smiling in a job interview is seen for what it is — nervousness and a lack of confidence.
These include lines like, 'Thank you so much for giving me consideration,' which signal a lack of confidence.
“承蒙垂注,感激不尽”(Thankyousomuchfor givingmeconsideration)之类的话表明你缺乏自信。
This attitude, combined with a lack of confidence, doesn't do much for building 24 rapport with customers.
After a career break or pregnancy, women can often feel a lack of confidence in returning to the workplace.
However, if the reason is a lack of confidence, there are some things parents can do to encourage their child.
但是如果孩子是因为缺乏自信的话,以下有些建议,家长可以鼓励孩子去做: !
"I didn't see a lack of confidence in Maxi rodriguez, Raul Meireles or Steven Gerrard," said Hodgson on Sunday.
Self-confidence is the first step on the road to success; a lack of confidence is the main reason for the failure.
She challenges the cliche that women are more indirect than men and that tentativeness reflects a lack of confidence.
Lipsky said rising risks to the global economy reflected a lack of confidence in policymakers' ability to rein in debts.
There seems to be a lack of confidence all through the team since the Chelsea match, and Rooney has suffered because of this.
A lack of confidence causes them to believe that no one else will have them or value them as much as their current employer.
The current market action is a result of a lack of confidence and this is driving the global economy back to the edge of recession.
Now don't try to tell me that you're the "jealous type" not because of a lack of confidence, but because you really love and care about her.
If there is a lack of confidence in the markets, say French officials, it touches all top-rated euro-zone sovereigns, even Germany, and not just France.
Avoid constantly looking around the room while you are talking, because that can convey nervousness or a lack of confidence with what is being discussed.
Overly long stares can make whoever you're talking to pretty uncomfortable. On the other hand, averting your eyes indicates disgust or a lack of confidence.
A fear users will not understand: whether from a lack of confidence in their website or in their audience, they feel the need to provide endless instruction to users.
One third of new bank lending is believed to have gone into the share markets, rather than productive capacity, due to a lack of confidence in economic prospects.
What can be bad, not bad mood, anything can be a lack of confidence is not lacking, and what can not, happiness can not do, anything can forget, fitness can not forget.
Nearly 40 percent of workers surveyed believed jargon betrayed a lack of confidence, while one in five thought those who used it were untrustworthy or trying to cover something up.
Nearly 40 percent of workers surveyed believed jargon betrayed a lack of confidence, while one in five thought those who used it were untrustworthy or trying to cover something up.