Now, they live in a lack of food and warmth environment and with sorrow in their mood.
A lack of food knowledge and cooking skills, coupled with the rise of cheap, processed foods, is most definitely to blame for this new epidemic.
But despite a lack of food, water, phone service and supplies, most of the victims were undemanding and uncomplaining — some playing CARDS to pass the time — confident they would be looked after.
In that moment, there was no wider context, no bigger picture - just the eyes of a child who might die soon because of the lack of food; unacceptable and a sad reality.
We're consuming a lot of really highly processed calorie-dense food that's incredibly sterile, so they lack the microbial reservoirs for these gene transfer events.
What a heart wrenching experience it is to see real people and little children dying because of the lack of food.
Lack of food is going to be a major problem in Somalia for the rest of this year.
In rural areas poverty leads to a lack of the basics: food, water, primary schools, simple health care.
In New Orleans with a small Jewish population, there is a cultural demand for Jewish food and a cultural lack of Judaism.
The blame for rising obesity rates has been pinned on many things, including a more calorific diet, the rise of processed food, a lack of exercise and modern man's generally more stressful lot.
Even if they're spared extermination, beasts lucky enough to survive the shelling and gun battles begin dying within a day or two from lack of water, then from lack of food.
Its Food For Skin report highlights a lack of any robust studies backing up the popular advice that water makes the complexion glow.
Aside from any expiration date or lack thereof, if a food item is moldy or if it smells and looks spoiled, err on the side of caution.
Just a few years ago, the main social issue in India was farmer suicides because of low agricultural prices. Today, it is the lack of affordability of food for the poor.
One of the first predictors of a lack of agility is the location of architects in the organizational food chain.
Good Food spokesman Roopa Gulati said: 'the research shows how busy lifestyles and a lack of culinary know-how are impacting on the dishes we feel confident to cook.
Mohamed Abu Tunyan, a worker from Bangladesh, explains that the shelling and the lack of food and water made living conditions dire for himself and hundreds of other Bangladeshis.
Even if one accepts that China's problem is a lack of centralized food regulation, there are few signs that any of these steps would address that shortcoming in practice.
He plans to start up a farm near his house in Maine, in case the supply chain that provides America with food breaks down for lack of fuel.
A second tier, where between a fifth and a third lack adequate food, includes much of West Africa, the Indian sub-continent and Bolivia.
A second tier, where between a fifth and a third lack adequate food, includes much of West Africa, the Indian sub-continent and Bolivia.