This is a good time to discuss issues in the existing contract that need to be addressed, such as remediation in the event of a lapse of service.
At a time of financial crisis and economic downturn, we need to look very carefully at areas of public health where any lapse in current efforts will bring us a much bigger bill very soon.
MAPlight used a similar time-lapse approach to show the influence of money on congressional votes.
One of the more hypnotic items on YouTube is a time-lapse video of a 15-storey prefabricated hotel in Changsha being put up in just six days.
The resulting time-lapse video reveals her growth from a newborn baby to a ten-year-old girl in the space of just one minute and twenty-three seconds.
A time-lapse decade: Just in time for Old Man Time to make way for Baby New Year, a viral video surfaced of a girl named Natalie from birth to age 10, testimony to a dedicated father's love.
Since the letters were shot as a series of 10 second exposures, I had the option of either presenting them sequentially, as a time lapse.
Working out the functions of individual genes in human cells is now much simpler thanks to a new database of time-lapse movies showing cells in action.
Progress will be watched through a microscope, by time-lapse photography. And whichever cell covers a tenth of a millimetre fastest will be declared the winner.
With a three-screen installation, Heliocentric uses time-lapse photography and astronomical tracking to plot the sun's trajectory across a variety of landscapes.
There was a considerable lapse of time between the two events.
That the retraction was made swiftly may also have focussed consumers' attention: a time lapse of months or more might have affected sales more profoundly.
A morning time-lapse reveals the awakening of the Big Islands Rainbow Falls.
This video tour of the planet is a compilation of time-lapse images shot from the International Space Station (ISS).
A period in time will lapse and they would find that they remain stuck and with no signs of improvement in their partner.
The main negative influence on the turbine life is the wear out of lapse roll bearing which is a stochastic phenomenon with continuation of time under a special condition.
We have not sent humans beyond the moon in 40 years. I've been waiting myself, and a lot of other people my age have been waiting and waiting. And I think it's time to put an end to that lapse.
And as this time-lapse video shows, the Mini Sky City building was put up brick by brick at a rate ofthr ee full storeys a day in Changsha, thecapital of Hunan Province in south-central China.
An animated time lapse effect follows the decomposition of a tin can over 50 years.
The transaction would involve a considerable lapse of time because the shares could not be sold until the state debt was paid.
Here we demonstrate by in vivo time-lapse imaging of optic tectal cells in Xenopus laevis tadpoles that enhanced visual activity driven by a light stimulus promotes dendritic arbor growth.
How long he was gone on this quest he did not know, but after what seemed an enormous lapse of time, he was called back to himself by a knock at the door, and by Maria's asking if he was sick.
Astronauts on the ISS took a time-lapse sequence of the event; the image above is part of that sequence.
Once you have things where you want them, you can click preview to speed through a 24-hour cycle to see a time-lapse of the changes.
Some of them are very well known, like the flowering. It's just a question to use some techniques like the time lapse.
Third, it introduces a new model of Chinese teaching named by"instant and time-lapse Chinese class".
Third, it introduces a new model of Chinese teaching named by"instant and time-lapse Chinese class".