They found that the leaves of the rain tree could absorb a large amount of water.
Attention: Don't stay for a long time on the face, clean face with a large amount of water.
This shows that a large amount of water mist may have more obvious influence on gas explosion.
If a large amount of water to form droplets, the water can be converted to gravity, the goose can produce vertical tube.
The resin can maintain a large amount of water in the condition of pressure while other absorbent water materials can not.
The air cooler has been out of use for some time because of the serious corrosion inside and a large amount of water leakage.
Beijing is plagued by a serious shortage of water resources, but green Spaces in city consume a large amount of water resources each year.
Maximum efficiency in water is achieved by pushing a large amount of water a short distance rather than by pushing a small amount of water a large distance.
A large amount of water has been found on the Moon, raising the prospect that astronauts could use the moisture to replenish and refuel their spacecraft on their way to more distant destinations.
Wastewater is cycled in a closed loop. Pollution due to wastewater discharge is eliminated thoroughly. Valuable components are recovered form the wastewater, besides, a large amount of water is saved.
Minimize the amount of water your toilet uses with each flush by putting a plastic bottle (a large pop bottle will do fine) filled with sand or gravel in the toilet tank.
With as much as a thousand tonnes of water passing through a turbine's blades in a single second, a relatively small device can create a relatively large amount of electricity.
A large amount of practical experience was developed during this period. Large, well planned farming projects were getting all the water they needed strictly using windmills.
Moisturizing type spray is the 1 most common spray, 1 as by artificial mineral or hot spring water, and contain a large amount of minerals and trace elements.
When a structure vibrates in water, large amount of computation will be unavoidable if the fluid finite element method is used to calculate the added water mass matrix and damping matrix.
So that a large amount of low-mature oil was generated and subsequently migrated into sandstone belt with first secondary porosity created by the formation water released from clays.
Gaotaizi reservoirs have a large amount of sub-layers without apparent barriers, so it is difficult to reduce interlayer conflict and control water cut increase through subdivision adjustment.
The results indicate that a large amount of charged oil water fog and even floating charged oil water fog clusters will be surely created in oil tank space when cleaning.
Meanwhile, the conception of true or false water table is presented combining a large amount of investigating job for surface structure.
Alcohol fermentation is a process of high energy consumption including large amount of cooling water and electricity etc.
This ancient method of desalination of sea water, consume a large amount of energy, resulting in a large number of pot dirt is difficult to mass production of fresh water.
With the increase in discharging of waste water containing large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus to lakes and rivers, fresh-water pollution has been becoming a more and more serious problem.
With the discharging of the waste water containing a large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus into the lakes and rivers, the pollution of the fresh water becomes more and more serious.
D623 improves water retention of fresh mortar and entrains a large amount of micro air void which causes bulk density to reduce, pore size distribution to change.
The first stage project of line 1 of Chengdu Metro mostly passes through water-rich sandy cobble ground, which contains a small amount of large boulders.
Nevertheless, a large quantity of reasonably safe water is preferable to a smaller amount of very pure water.
As a large consumer of desalted water and producer of large amount of steam condensate, the Chloro-Alkali Complex has never made full use of the two water sources until this revamp.
As a large consumer of desalted water and producer of large amount of steam condensate, the Chloro-Alkali Complex has never made full use of the two water sources until this revamp.