Voters usually have to find the name of their candidates on a large sheet of paper.
Each person writes his or her priorities on large post-it notes, one priority per note, and then sticks them to a board or large sheet of paper where everyone can see them.
Each person sticks their notes to a board or large sheet of paper where everyone can see them.
The cow is indeed there, but it's hidden in a grove of trees. There is also a large sheet of black and white paper caught in a tree, and it is obvious that the farmer mistook it for his cow.
If you don't have a digital whiteboard, think about laying out your whole process on a large continuous sheet of butcher paper, leaving space for the group's responses.
Place a small sheet of transparent paper large enough to cover the BP and dart over the required dart position.
把一张透明纸放在所需省道的位置上,这张纸要足以覆盖胸点和省道。 收藏。
Ugyen paper sandwiched between each two large soybean grain of thin gold sheet, then wrapped in a layer of kraft paper outside, on the pier beat.
I use a sheet of clear acrylic under which I put a large sheet of graph paper which guides me when cutting canes or sheets of clay to size.
I use a sheet of clear acrylic under which I put a large sheet of graph paper which guides me when cutting canes or sheets of clay to size.