It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of god.
She would not accept it as a law of nature that the individual is always defeated.
It is a law of nature that you must do difficult things to gain strength and power.
要想获得力量,变得强大,你必须迎难而上,这是自 然界的法则。
I believe it's a law of nature that every person is different, with a unique capacity for self-expression.
They loved their neighbour because they understood that this was part of life and they were merely obeying a law of nature.
Even if a pattern of behaviour is almost universal, we can't know in advance if it is a law of nature we cannot change or simply a remnant of our primitive past that we can and should modify.
Quantum cryptography provides a new method for absolutely secure communication, which is guaranteed by the inviolability of a Law of Nature, and any advanced technologies cannot decipher it.
But when he plotted his results, he found that these diverse events fell into a regular pattern. It was as if the chaos of war seemed to comply with some hitherto unknown law of nature.
And so the next thing you do is you call up a journal and say I've discovered a fundamental law of nature.
Size reduction, as an evolutionary consequence of island habitation, is not universal, it's not a “law” of nature;
As a scientist I have grown up to believe this law of nature: the only thing that travels faster than light is a rumour.
She was ashamed of herself for her gloom of the night, based on nothing more tangible than a sense of condemnation under an arbitrary law of society which had no foundation in Nature.
When Leverrier was working at his great discovery he did not strike out a new path in science; he was sup ported by a great law of nature, the base of all astronomical knowledge.
Every market is working to a time cycle, that is the law of nature. Your work then becomes trading them, controlling your thoughts and emotions to maximise their benefit.
Therefore, the effective step-down and maintenance of a 24-hour blood pressure changes in the law of nature is very important.
Oral arrangements between a club and a player, although possiblyadmissible by and in conformity with local labour law, are not in line with themandatory nature of the conditions of art. 2 par. 210.
Starting from the nature of human activities, Marx observed the production of beauty and disclosed the law of beauty through a comparison between the production of human beings and that of animals.
Mind, body and repairing, owned a combination, respect natural law, conform to the laws of nature, become cure regimen tenet.
Then it discusses the nature of special confiscation, considers that special confiscation has many natures, and the author think the natures of special confiscation in a country is decided by the law.
Medical statistics is a discipline that can reveal the objective law of nature and cultivate medical students train of thought for scientific research.
The subject about the nature of law has been a focus of philosophy over the past two thousand years.
In his pursuit of harmony between man and nature, he created a new theory of environmental rights in accordance with the practice of environmental law.
It is undeniable that there was such a career named "Song Shi" as a lawyer, and some system as law agent and defence system, but these differ evidently from the career and system of lawyers in nature.
Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out a theoretical research into the nature and the civil law protection of the Internet virtual property.
It has a certain active role for cultivating students' sense of coloring in painting to earnestly study the nature and law of coloring.
The thesis tries to make a study of legal nature of intelligentsias death from overwork and tries to probe into perfecting labor law in order to protect intelligentsias rights.
The thesis tries to make a study of legal nature of intelligentsias death from overwork and tries to probe into perfecting labor law in order to protect intelligentsias rights.