It is legal for a robber to file a law suit, if he or she got hurt in your house.
Unsuitable treatment as adopted by an enter - prise will take the consequences of losing a law suit.
The lawyer was on a fishing expedition and wanted to find the real wrong committed to justify a law suit.
An interested party applying for a maritime injunction before bringing a law suit shall refer to the maritime court at the place where the maritime dispute occurred.
Article 52 An interested party applying for a maritime injunction before bringing a law suit shall refer to the maritime court at the place where the maritime dispute occurred.
Article 63 An interested party applying for maritime evidence preservation before bringing a law suit shall refer to the maritime court at the place where the evidence to be preserved is located.
Among them, Obama filed a major 1995 suit that successfully forced Illinois to enforce the 1993 federal Motor Voter law, which sought to make it easier for people to register to vote.
A federal law passed in 1990 gave California the right to set its own standards for car emissions and allowed other states either to follow suit or stick to limits set by the EPA.
A Californian law firm specialising in customer class-action suits, McCuneWright, filed a suit on November 5th.
The suit asks a federal judge to order Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to let the program go forward under California's interpretation of the law.
They were all afraid of Jim; he was a drunkard, but he could twist the law to suit his client's needs as no other man in all western Kansas could do; and there were many who tried.
Neither party may bring a suit before a law court or make a request to any other organization for revising the arbitral award.
The time limit for filing suit or applying for arbitration in a dispute over any other contract shall be stipulated separately by law.
Sohu representative says this action is more of a public relationship stunt other than a serious law suit.
Newland, "she added, turning to her mother and aunt," is obliged to go to Washington about a patent law-suit that is coming up before the Supreme Court.
Stipulation - An agreement between the parties involved in a suit, agreeing that a certain fact or law will be assumed to be true or relevant.
But a California judge let Alaburda's suit proceed, brushing aside efforts by the law school to derail her claims.
Proof system stands a natural core position in the system of civil law suit, but the responsibility for proof is the core in this system.
Though has defined the identification standard of criminal suit in criminal procedure law of our country, but a great deal of problems still exist in practice, not easy to operate.
The promulgation of such a regulation has caused considerable influence on China's securities civil law suit system and numerous individual investors.
The law defines the coverage of a estate, the persons who may inherit, and the right to file a suit if one's inheritance rights are violated.
The time limit for filing a suit or applying for arbitration in respect of a dispute over any other contract shall be stipulated separately by law.
Newland, " she added, turning to her mother and aunt, "is obliged to go toWashington about a patent law-suit that is coming upbefore the Supreme Court.
Procedure of criminal investigation is a vital part in law of criminal procedure, perfecting the criminal suit law directly affect the process of criminals uit law.
If the party refuses to accept the decision on the reconsideration, he may, within 30 days of receiving the notice on the reconsideration decision, bring a suit before a court of law.
If the party refuses to accept the decision on the reconsideration, he may, within 30 days of receiving the notice on the reconsideration decision, bring a suit before a court of law.