We identify students who are going to take a big leap, intellectual leap forward in this coming year, and a spurt forward in this coming year.
This facility is unquestionably a leap forward in our ability to meet the rapidly expanding requirements surrounding test and production of increasingly complex weapon systems.
DB2 logging has taken a huge leap forward in version 8 with some great new features. Here are some of them.
由于V8提供了一些很棒的新特性,所以DB 2日志记录也向前迈了一大步。
They have put forward bold plans, such as Eurobonds issued jointly by the entire euro zone, combined with a leap in fiscal integration.
Finally, the Commission and related workplan fully recognize the potential of information and communication technologies to help countries, and their information systems, take a huge leap forward.
The search for water on other planetary bodies has taken a giant leap forward in recent months.
But Airbus does not believe the technology is currently available to make a big enough leap forward to justify spending that much.
For example, patient compliance with leprosy treatment took a huge leap forward when complex regimens were conveniently simplified through the introduction of blister packs.
Only two countries, Thailand and Togo, made a clear leap forward last year, going from “not free” to “partly free”.
When PHP V5 was released in 2004, it was a giant leap forward compared to what PHP V4 provided in regards to object-oriented programming (OOP) and design.
与PHPV4提供的特性相比,2004 年发布的 PHPV5在面向对象编程(OOP)和设计方面向前迈出了很大的一步。
ELECTRONICS made a huge leap forward when the delicate and temperamental vacuum tube was replaced by the robust, reliable transistor.
With the rise of the Internet and smart phones, online coupons have taken a massive leap forward.
The cabin is also a quantum leap forward from the plasticky Corvette interiors of a generation or two ago.
Mobile computers in the form of smartphones and touchscreen tablets (like the iPad) have taken a big leap forward in the past four years.
Office 2007 made a dramatic leap forward with the introduction of the ribbon user interface but the transition was far from complete.
由于采用了Ribbon用户界面,Office 2007年取得了巨大的飞跃,但这种飞跃远未完成。
Domino R5 takes a giant leap forward by now including transaction logging, an industry-standard technique and state-of-the-art solution for reliable data storage.
DominoR 5现在向前迈进了一大步——它包含了事务日志,这是用于实现可靠数据存储的行业标准技术和最先进的解决方案。
"QuickTime X, a major leap forward that advances modern media and Internet standards" -apple.
But, this is not just a one step forward update. No, it's a giant leap to a new kind of Linux desktop thanks to its Unity desktop interface.
When Apple took the wraps off Mac OS X a decade ago, it clearly marked a big leap forward from the old Mac operating system.
It does not feel quite the same leap forward as the 2004 launch of Firefox, which was a vast improvement on IE, but back then the browser market had lacked competition for some time.
Our plan is the only one that will restore people's faith and show that a quantum leap forward is possible.
So this work is a big leap forward in our understanding of the origins of the disease.
But the movie, billed as a cinematic leap forward because of the digitally radical way it was shot, has faced a major question.
But the movie, billed as a cinematic leap forward because of the digitally radical way it was shot, has faced a major question.