When I was reading a letter from home, suddenly I heard someone calling me from outside.
Diego home before graduation, his father received a letter from his father to him about his current situation, Diego just have a good idea to ignite the flames of anger.
A letter came from her mother late the next week, reminding her that she must come home in time for Thanksgiving.
A few weeks later, the department received a letter from the homeowner thanking us for the valiant effort displayed in saving her home.
It was a real red letter day for me when my son came home from there years in the navy.
Welcome customers at home and abroad call, a letter from the talks, to work together for a better tomorrow.
Shortly before he died, he wrote in a letter how much he was looking forward to coming home. Back home we never gave it a second thought that he might not come home from the war.
It was a real red letter day for me when my son came home from three years in the navy.
It was a real red letter day for me when my son came home from three years in the navy.