In one episode, they read a letter written by the famous writer Xiao Hong to her younger brother in 1941.
Zhao spoke approvingly of French culture and quoted the writer Victor Hugo, who wrote a frequently quoted letter about the looting of the Old Summer Palace.
It was a "Dear John" letter that told the recipient, whose name appeared to be Michael, that the writer could not see him anymore because her mother forbade it.
You call the grant writer at the natural history museum, who had a question about how to update outcome measures in the letter of intent that the museum is about to submit to you.
According to Geller, the Mandela who emerges from the archive is a flesh-and-blood man and a prolific letter-writer.
He said, 'I'm really tired, but I just have to color!' His passion for art reminds me how happy I am to be a writer, and I think of what he said whenever I get a rejection letter.
The writer of the letter asked a civil question; attack cats, then, only if you can do so with good humor, good taste, and in such a way that your answer will be courteous as well as responsive.
The writer of this article, a FORTUNE senior editor-at-large, is a Berkshire Hathaway shareholder, a long-time friend of Warren Buffett's and the pro bono editor of his annual chairman's letter.
I could tell the writer hadn't put any thought into it because it said I'm a 'promising young man' in the letter.
Immediately after the writer has sent his letter the circumstances of the reader change in such a way that the letter becomes more or less inapplicable.
Now imagine the task faced by the French writer Georges Perec, when a friend challenged him to write a whole novel without using E – a letter that is even more common in French than in English.
Through the analysis of a counteroffer letter, the writer argues that the special communicative functions of business English letters decide their uniqueness in genre.
It was a "dear John" letter. The writer, in a delicate script, told the recipient, whose name was Michael, that her mother for-bade her to see him again.
In this argument, the writer of the letter concludes that global pollution of water and air has caused a decline in the number of amphibians worldwide.
Writing and reading a letter is not only for the sake of telling about something, but a way to make the reader share the feelings of the writer.
A letter of complaint should not be apologetic, but it will be found advisable for the writer to show that he regrets to make the complaint, but that the trouble is too serious to be overlooked.
提出异议的信件不应当是道歉性 的,但写信人应对提出异议表示一定 的遗憾并说明事态的严重性确实 无法回避,这样做将是明智 的。
In the first place, the writer of the letter states that the decrease in the number of people who purchase advance tickets for the event indicates a lack of community support.
At first as the reader has seen she paid the thenar diers promptly. as she only knew how to sign her name she was obliged to write through a public letter-writer.
A letter carries the signature of the writer. Generally it is next to a greeting or an expression of love.
A letter carries the signature of the writer. Generally it is next to a greeting or an expression of love.