Ideally, of course, we use a level of abstraction that makes it easy to grasp the intended solution.
This means that a program using a vector graphics system is a level of abstraction away from the hardware.
The more absolutistic philosophers dwell on so high a level of abstraction that they never even try to come down.
A pragmatic approach is to start with a level of abstraction that gets the job done, and then refactor to move towards a better level.
Security administrators can control access to their databases at a level of abstraction that is close to the structure of their organizations.
A service is defined at a level of abstraction that is at a much higher (towards business alignment) level than that of objects and components.
Because a use-case model is defined from a business analyst's view, it provides a level of abstraction that's a useful communication tool for project stakeholders.
Relevant Concepts of Operations (CONOPS) and strategies are presented at a level of abstraction appropriate to executive leadership in order to facilitate decision-making.
RelevantConceptsofOperations (CONOPS)和策略在抽象层次上表示出来,适用于执行的领导来简化决策的制定。
Architecturally, components interact via an abstract service model-a messaging model that resides at a level of abstraction above any particular protocol or message-encoding format.
As a DMS always returns the information in the same format (a data Graph), it hides the actual data storage and provides a level of abstraction between the SDO application and the EIS.
At the same time, an enterprise architect should be able to view his or her domain at a level of abstraction that forestalls direct involvement in the practical aspects of implementations.
Reverse engineering is a process of analysing an existing system to identify its components and their interrelationships and to create representations of the system at a high level of abstraction.
Engineers no longer work at the rudimentary level of files and code modules. Rather, they work at a higher level of abstraction to address the business value of the software they are proposing.
This allows us to talk about them at a higher level of abstraction, which delivers more semantic content per word than trying to describe the pattern details individually.
For example, a requirement may be described at a high level of abstraction in business terms, but another one can be a very detailed technical description.
This pattern structures applications into groups, where each group represents a particular level of abstraction.
The top arrow shows that a decreasing level of abstraction results in greater implementation specificity by means of model transformations.
Note that we are not constrained to a particular level of abstraction in designing our services implementations.
This representation shows the relationship between roles and processes at a high level of abstraction, which is suitable for getting an overview of a business process.
An element is an opaque entity that is indivisible at a given level of abstraction.
Requirements and architecture are pillars that cross various levels of abstraction, and are not limited to a specific level of abstraction.
Each of the models exists at a particular level of abstraction, highlighting certain aspects of the solution while leaving out details that are unimportant at that moment.
Others — cosmology, for example — make hypotheses that are more remote from everyday causes, and involve a high level of mathematical abstraction and idealization.
While there is some similarity to analysis patterns, archetypes are intended to be at a higher level of abstraction.
The only part of UML that is on a high level of abstraction is the Use Case diagram, and that's only at the total loss of precision.
The mechanize library takes this handling to a higher level of abstraction and lets your script-or your interactive Python shell-act very much like an actual Web browser.
mechanize库将这种处理提升到一个更高程度的抽象并使您的脚本—或交互性Python shell—表现出非常类似实际Web浏览器的行为。
For starters, JRebel works on a different level of abstraction than HotSwap.
The important thing is that a specific level of abstraction is relevant to a set of people (for example, design level for designers and implementation level for developers).
Achieving a higher level of abstraction requires that you be able to postpone specification of lower level detail without sacrificing consistency.
And, at any point in the lifecycle the model is expressed at a certain level of abstraction.