That's one reason why the idea of a national list hasn't gone anywhere while drug costs keep rising fast.
Make a list: Chances are you have more than one reason to say I love you, so why not make a list of ways you love the person and give it to him or her?
Question: it used to be easy to find a list of MQSeries reason codes with explanations and resolutions. I can't find them now.
The question we're asking is, "Is there a good reason to add to our list of things there are?
As costs of medicines change over time, the price of a medicine is not a reason to exclude it from the WHO Model List if it meets the other stated selection criteria.
An approval (or Review or Verification) has a "subject" that explains the reason for the approval, a list of approvers, and a due date.
Make a list of possible things to do, if you like, or routine tasks that need to get done for one reason or another.
For whatever reason, I woke up today with a list of the 10 greatest American poems in my head that had been accumulating through the night.
Dr List adds that people demonstrate this kind of bad decision-making when investors pile into a stock and others follow, creating a bubble for which there is no good reason.
These four attracted his notice, because, as may be seen in his discussion of the so-called Paralogisms of Reason, he assumed the list of the categories as a basis of his argument.
The question we're asking is, "is there a good reason to add to our list of things there are?"
The question we're asking is, "is there a good reason to add to our list of things there are?"