It's best to learn tai chi from a teacher, so you can either look for local clubs or ask at school about classes.
One recent graduate says that in order to get work in a local school, she would have to bribe the head teacher with several years' worth of salary.
Having begun her career as a teacher in local schools (she earned a B.S. in biology), Rankin later attended the New York School of Philanthropy where she was trained as a social worker.
He is younger compare to the Rhea Tauber, a former school teacher, she likes to write columns for a local paper, and is working on her Autobiography, and she recently turned 100.
他比RheaTauber年轻一点。Rhea Tauber以前是学校老师,喜欢为当地报纸写专栏,现在正在写自传,她最近刚刚度过100岁生日。
Three people are under arrest in Miami after a teacher was shot outside a local high school.
According to a teacher at a local high school, a middle school diploma is contingent on sitting for the high school entrance exam, which carries a 650-yuan fee.
According to a teacher at a local high school, a middle school diploma is contingent on sitting for the high school entrance exam, which carries a 650-yuan fee.