She began to cook just after finishing a long shopping list.
In the end, I send them out with a long shopping list, set the timer on my phone to go off in ten minutes and drag Colin upstairs.
Each round starts with a shopping spree in which you browse a long list of available weapons and buy the ones that will best blow your opponents to smithereens.
Let mummy check our shopping list. We need to buy milk, yogurt, ice-cream, fruits, vegetables, juice, bread, meat, and paper towels. Such a long list!
Let mummy check our shopping list. We need to buy milk, yogurt, ice-cream, fruits, vegetables, juice, bread, meat, and paper towels. Such a long list!
Let mummy check our shopping list. We need to buy milk, yogurt, ice-cream, fruits, vegetables, juice, bread, meat, and paper towels. Such a long list!