The high-speed trains are great, and a long train journey in China is a great way to see the country.
A long train sometimes needs two engines.
Inside a Japanese sushi bar, a long train of plates passesbefore the eyes of customers.
The original idea came to Joanne Rowling whilst travelling on a long train journey across England.
She was in her mid-20s when the idea for the Harry Potter novels came to her, during a long train ride.
After a long train ride, little food and days of forced marching, he arrived at his assigned stalag.
One day, during a long train journey, she got the idea of writing about a boy who is a wizard, but doesn't know it.
He asserted that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics.
I was planning to, because it's such a long trip by bus or by train, but Fred decided to drive and invited me to join him.
Inside the box, Sunee saw something uncommon. It was a red silk umbrella. She had never seen anything like it! "Shipping a package overseas used to take a lot of time," said Grandmother "Packages traveled by train and ship. It could take many months to get a package from across the ocean. How long did your package take to arrive?"
But if you do not train, your victory may be like a one-time lottery win, which you cannot capitalize on over the long run.
At those moments, “Planet Google” takes a risk akin to trying to board a speeding train: the Google story changes so fast that no book can stay up to date for long.
Though it would be a long journey there, we can always play CARDS on the train.
The overseas push is a big turnabout for Japan, which long jealously protected its prized bullet train technology.
The train stopped moving for a long time, but we were not informed about what happened.
The chip in the card also allows you to tap automated kiosks for subway and train tickets, which is a time-saver if there are long lines at the ticket counter.
你可以用卡内的芯片在地铁和火车站的自动售票亭购买车票。 当售票窗口前排起长队时,这个可是节省时间的利器。
And then after we get passed the warehouse a very long blocked, long warehouse I see a locomotive and I say hey look there's a train.
Anyone who has squeezed into a four-berth compartment for the week-long ride across Europe and Asia on a Trans-Siberian train, look away now.
Resting on the Jumeirah Beach, an automatic train will carry guests from dry land through a 515-meter long tunnel underwater into the hotel lobby.
He was taking the train home to Iringa, in southern Tanzania, I later learned, after a long stint doing engine work for the Tazara in Dar.
Located in Germany, the roller coaster train travels through a course of 1.2 kilometres long with seven periods of weightlessness.
A corridor is a long passage in a building or train, with doors and rooms on one or both side.
It may take a lot of discipline and time to train yourself to eat well but it's incredibly worthwhile for your short term and long term goals.
The tragic words of Obi-Wan Kenobi long haunted Luke Skywalker when he took it upon himself to train a new generation of Jedi Knights.
The tragic words of Obi-Wan Kenobi long haunted Luke Skywalker when he took it upon himself to train a new generation of Jedi Knights.