The old man laughed, "Yes, I don't have many days left. But so what? Why waste such a lovely day on something that hasn't happened?"
They went to the mountains; and as it was a lovely day, they stayed there till the evening.
It was a lovely day at the park and Stella Bianchi was enjoying the sunshine with her two children when a young boy, aged about four, approached her two-year-old son and pushed him to the ground.
I asked if she would like a taxi. "No. I'd sooner walk, it's such a lovely day," she answered.
Awaiting to hear from you soonest take care of your self and have a lovely day Yours in love Sarah.
A few hours later the family were driving back to Windsor. 'Wasn't that a lovely day!' Queen Mary said.
"Such a lovely day... Made for us," said Diana. "I'm afraid it's a pet day, though... There'll be rain tomorrow."
Everything happened in a beautiful city, a quiet countryside, a lovely day, a jolly pub, but it's just a tragedy.
What a lovely day. The sun is shinning and the sky is so blue. lt's a perfect day to go to the beach and get a beautiful tan.
Victoria tweeted after the event: 'Such a lovely day!!!thank u so much @EvaLongoria and @KenPaves for being such wonderful friends.
维多利亚随后还在Tweeter上写道:“多么可爱的一天! 太感谢我的好朋友们了!
We made lovely Mother's Day cards and gave them to our mothers with a beautiful carnation.
Your idea of a day on the beach sounds lovely. Can I join you?
A solemn glee possessed my mind at this gradual and lovely coming in of day.
She said a neighbour took the children to a harvest festival at a local church on Saturday and they enjoyed face painting and had a "lovely day".
We spent much of our first day walking beside the Dudh Kosi, known as the “river of milk” because glacier meltwater has turned it a lovely milky green colour.
Happy 60th National Day to all of you and your lovely kids. Here is a summary of what we've done this week.
The fundamentals for this house are: it has to be a lovely place to spend an afternoon, spend a night, and a good place to start the day.
I was pleased to see so many real animals at the same time. They seemed so lovely and active. I spent a nice day.
Simon is a lovely mouse. He always lives in the country. He lives in a big house. Every day after 8, he comes out to play.
Yet he eats well every day, has a lovely little home, gets taken to the vet when he needs it, enjoys plenty of friends who love him, and has everything he needs to be happy.
Simon nis a lovely mouse. He always lives in the country. He lives in a big house. Every day after 8, he comes out to play.
It was a lovely spring day and the rose vine on the trellis was turning green.
You want a recipe for stew? Ask… thingy. She was talking about a lovely one the other day.
Today we made lovely mother's day CARDS and gave them to our mothers with a beautiful carnation.
Then one day I met a friend who was wearing a very beautiful sweater. It was plain in color, but it had a lovely and unusual stitch.
We made lovely mother's Day CARDS and gave them to our mothers with a beautiful flower.
December 20th, the day after my birthday, my husband, daughter, and I went to an empty parking lot of some company to give a driving lesson to our lovely daughter.
December 20th, the day after my birthday, my husband, daughter, and I went to an empty parking lot of some company to give a driving lesson to our lovely daughter.